Picking up the pieces

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Nolen's P.O.V

It had been a half an hour since Roc left to talk to Falen. I decided to go check on Falen, when I heard them talking.

" What about Nolen?" I heard Falen say.

"I know you love him, but I think we should try us again, for the sake of our child." Roc said.

"I don't love him. I mean I love him, but my love for you is stronger. They say you have a special connection with the person you're having a child with," she said.

"So can we make this work?" I heard Roc ask.

Hearing those words hurt, but I knew I had to let Falen go.

I walked in the room.

"Falen look," I said.

"Nolen, I'm sorr-," she started to say.

"No need. You two need to be together, for the sake of your son, so I'm gonna leave now. I love you Falen," I said confidently.

"Thank you so much," Roc said.

"No problem man, don't fuck up this time," I said patting him on the back and packing my stuff.

He nodded, and Falen looked at me with eyes of remorse, sadness, and joy.

I had finished packing and was on my way downstairs, when Falen pushed me into the hallway.

She kissed me on my lips, long and hard. 

"Thanks for everything," she said and walked back to her room.

When I got downstairs, I said goodbye to Falen's family who were all seated in the dining room, including Emerald.

"I know you guys just met me, but I'm leaving. It was nice meeting you all, but I think we can all agree that Falen and Roc need to be together,for her son," I said.

They all said bye to me, and I got in my car and drove to Falen's apartment, and moved all my stuff out and back into my old apartment, glad I kept it to crash when I was mad at Falen. 

Well back to my playa life.

Roc's P.O.V

I got my baby back!!! Speaking of, she just walked in and laid back on the bed.

"Glad to have you back baby," I said kissing her soft spot on her neck.

"Woah, woah, woah." she said pushing me off of her.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"Just because I forgave you and, we're working things out for the baby doesn't mean we are back."

"So what are you saying?"

"That you have to work for my love pretty boy," she said pecking me on my lips then turning over to sleep.

Oh well whatever it takes.


3 days later

Falen's P.O.V

Things have been going pretty well. My family is getting along, Roc and Emerald are getting along, and he's been really loving lately. Easter was over and I was headed back to New York. We had to fly though because I drove down with Nolen and he flew down with Emerald.

"Goodbye family, I love you guys," I said hugging them. They were leaving tomorrow.

"Keep us up to date with the baby," my aunt Val said.

"Of course," I said.

"Roc!" Celine yelled.

"Yeah?" he asked loading our bags into the limo he ordered to take us to the airport.

"Don't screw up," she said hugging him.

"I won't," he said smirking.

"I love you Falen," my parents and Celine said.

"I love you too," I said,and got in the limo


I woke up just as our flight landed in NY. I woke Roc up and we got are luggage and got in the limo Roc had waiting for us.

We got to my apartment and found a note from Nolen.

                                               Dear Falen,

                         I moved all of my stuff out of your apartment and moved back to  mine, I love you and wish you the best.



I smiled as I threw the note in the trash.

"Hey Roc?" I called to him.


"Don't you have to go to LA? You have no clothes here," I said grabbing a water for me and him out the fridge.

"I'm Roc Royal, I can get clothes anywhere," he said smirking as he opened the water.

"Plus I have an interview for Good Morning America here tomorrow," he said yawning.

"You should get to bed then," I said.

He nodded and stretched out on the couch.

"Don't get comfortable," I said smirking.

"Why?" he asked genuinely confused.

"Cause your room is in here," I said walking to my room.

He followed behind me and I pushed him on the bed.

"Falen you sure you wanna do this?" he asked playing with the button on my jeans.

"Yes, I'm sure. You're my fiancé and we only had sex once, and we created the happiest thing that's going to happen in my life," I said kissing him.

He took the sign and lifted my shirt from my body.

"Are you sure this is safe?" he asked cautiously.

"You can have sex while pregnant Roc, it'll just be a little difficult, but me and Nolen," I decided to stop talking.

"It's ok if you had sex with him, I had sex with Emerald," he said kissing my neck.

"Let's just get back to this," I said lifting his shirt and kissing his perfectly toned 8 pack.

That night we made sweet, passionate love. We're finally picking up the pieces.


Sike, but the end is near in the next 2-3 chapters. But yeah 10+ votes 5+comments for the next part.

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