Court date and weeks leading to criristmas

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It has been a week since I came home and they corught the guy that has hournted me for years in a couple of days it will be over for good I hope im still mas at kevin and joe for what they did to damon lily and james insited he sat with us so we have not been a part since he came back now it the day I have to testifie and Im drested in a black suit my hair comed back in a poiny tale I sit in the chairs waiting for my turn when I called up I was asked to sware to tell the truth and nothing but the truth I did

Lawyer what’s your full name

I Emily sky pierce

Lawyer why are you hear today

Me I was the only survivor of this man’s crime I was 8 years old when he came after my parents at that stage I dinner know who they where they wonted to adopted a little girl we were at the park next to the orphanage just talking getting to no one at other when this man come up to us he had tried to doped but this background came up bad and miss lee sead no I was miss lee fevered child coz I helped out so much this man new that and when he sore us he pulled out a gun the people I was with told ne to run I ran and hit like I was asked and then I hired to shoots fired and I hired his voice calling me to come out I got out and ran back towered the orphanage there was a police officer there to talk to miss lee about a cases of child aboiuce when they herd the shoot and came out side in time to see me fall the officer called an ambulance and took off to catch the man he was silly enough to go back to see what the two people she shoot earlier had on them that’s where he was corught the bolero the shoot me missed my heart by an inch I was lucky the doctors told me I then testified and he was put in prison after I lent to practiced my self earlier this year I was adopted and went to this nice family two weeks ago I was at the gym when a hand came over my mouth and noise and I blacked out when I woke up was in a locked room after a while that man can in turning me about the faced he killed to only people that where like to adopted a weird child he left and I never sore him agent then one day I got the guard to come in and I hit him on the head and ran out the door after running around for like 5 minutes the alarms went of a I jumped through a window cutting my arm I ran in to the forest that was there and keeped ramming I finally found a road and filled it I came to a petrol station and call a family friend to come and get me I keeped walking though not shore if they were coming after me I sore to cars coming at me one from both direction I hid in the bushes and watched one drive passed but the other stopped I was a bit wooed instill I heard rick the person I ran calling my name I fell down from being dizzy from blood loss rick and john wanes son took me to a hospital I woke up and freaked out I was in a dark room with nothing to tell me where I was I got dressed and ran I got to the top of a hill where I sore the orphanage I grew up in I knocked on the door and miss lee let me in I spent the night there before lily and james the family that adopted me came on got me I had a shower and talked to everyone there to find out who they were and then went to the police and told them everything I knew my family and I where have a welcome home dinner when the police told me they had captured Mr. Wayne there

Lawyer thank you Emily no farther questions do you wish to question the witness no sir ok you may step down

Judge if there are no farther witnesses the jury can decide what they 30minet recess

All rise the judge we all stand be sited has the jury reached a vertical yes your homer all stand for the vertical we the jury find this man guilty of kidnaping and attempted mired twice thank you as this is the second time we have been brought to court for this indivual I recommend the death penalty he bangs his grovel


Now that’s it is over I go home and sleep free of nightmares

I wake up and I realize that its only two weeks till Christmas I get dressed kiss Rosie in the head and go down stairs lily could you watch Rosie I need to do some shopping shore I drive to the mall I walk around looking I see this cutie handbag shoes set I get for loran I got james and lily a family photo in a really nice frame and I got rick and jennet a photo of all the kids at the orange with miss lee and a sine saying we miss you I got kevin and joe dog tags with their parents’ names and all ours as well I got nick a tag to put on this chain I also made him a cd I did promos to sing him a song I rough Rosie I got a nice necklace and some toys and books now dame was the hatreds to buy for I end up getting dog tags and a photo of me and Rosie I also got the children a toy and some books each and miss lee a photo and a nice necklace it was a locket I got everything pre wrapped and took miss lee the presents for the or hanged I left them with a note coz I need to be home I brought all my thing into my room and hid them it was going to be an oarsmen Christmas. 

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