Finding a family

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After School

Nicks POV

Nick – "Kev, Joe. I wanna go see Emily by myself."

Kevin – "Nick I know you do, but I think we should put some space between us all for a while. After all it might not be the right girl."

Nick - "But - "

Joe – "Nick I’m sorry, but I think Kevin’s right on this one. We should keep our distance for a couple of days. What if one of us lets something slip?"

Kevin - *cough* "Joe." *cough*

Joe glared at him and I sighed. I knew they were right. 

The next day

Emily's P.O.V

Last night after Rosie was put to bed, I told James and Lilly about my letter. It didn't feel right to keep something this important to them. They had a right to know.


Emily - "Lilly, James. The reason I come home early, was because I received a letter from my parents. I was told that I have a family. I have 3 older brothers, one of them happens to also be my twin." 

Lilly began to cry and James hugged her tight. It broke my heart to see her like this after she had been so good to me. I blinked my eyes fast to keep myself from crying.

Emily - "But there’s something I want to say before anything happens."

The looked up at me with sad eyes.

Emily - "I'm not going to look for them and even if I did, you are my family and that’s not going to change. You took me and Rosie in when you didn't have to and that means the world to me. I couldn't think of anyone else to be my parents."

They smiled bug and hugged me tight. It felt so nice.

End of flashback

I had just stepped out of the shower and got dressed. Today Lilly was watching Rosie, because I was going to the gym after school and she was slightly sick because she’s teething. I got to school and the boys where no where to be seen. That was strange, usually they met me at my car or my locker. Where they avoiding me? No, they wouldn't do that. They were probably just running late. Joe must be obsessing over his hair or something. I chuckled at my joke and put my bag in my locker just as the bell rang. I had P.E first period so I headed to the gym, hoping to see Joe. Sure enough there he was, sitting on the bleachers. I waved to him, but he ignored me. I gave him a strange look and went to the locker room to change. I came out a few minutes later and sat next to him.

Emily - "Hey Where were you this morning? I was worried?"

Nothing. No response at all. It was like he didn't even know I was there. I was about to ask him what's going on, when Uncle Rick told us to pair up for warm ups. I turned to ask Joe, but was shocked to find him asking Taylor. Okay now I was getting pissed. 

A few hours pass

By lunch time I was getting really fed up. The boys have been avoiding me all day and I don’t know why. I thought they where my friends, but I guess not. I now realised that I’m meant to be alone. I went to the library and pulled out Rosie Garden, a story I found online and started reading.

Eventually music class came and all the boys sat at the opposite side of class to me. I sighed and put my head phones in and zoned out. When the bell rang, I stayed behind to avoid the boys. I sat at the piano and ran my fingers over the keys before playing "A Place In This World" by Taylor Swift. As I played the closing notes, I gave in and let the tears fall down my face. I got up and sat in the corner and sobbed. Soon I felt myself being pulled into someone's lap. I looked up and saw that it was Nick. I didn't care that I was mad at him, what I needed right now was to be held. So I wrapped by arms around him and he rubbed my back trying to calm me down.

Nick - "Shhhhhhh Em, calm down. You'll make yourself sick."

I took a few deep breaths, letting the oxygen get into my lungs.

Nick - "Emmy what's going on?"

I looked into the eyes of one of my best friends and sighed deeply. Evenutally I let my guard down and told him everything. About the letter and my brothers and how they probably don't know that I exist. However I was shocked when Nick said:

Nick - "Don't be so sure."

Nick's P.O.V

I don't know whether it was my brotherly instincts, or the fact that I could stand to see my best friend so distraught. But something inside me was telling me that I had to tell her. Emily looked at me with confused eyes.

Emily - "Nick what are you talking about? Do you know something that I don't?"

I sighed and pulled out my father's letter and the photograph of my sister.

Nick - "We got this the other day. It's a letter from our father telling us that we have a little sister that we never knew about."

Emily - "Wow! That must have been a shock to the system!"

Nick - "Oh yeah, it was."

She looked down and took the photo from me.

Emily - "Is this her?"

I nodded and she examined the photo. A few seconds later, her brows lowered.

Emily - "Hang on, this kinda looks like me when I was 8 years old."

She went silent and looked at the photo closely. All of a sudden, her eyes widened and she turned to me.

Emily - "No," she whispered.

Emily's P.O.V

I can't believe I didn't see it before, how could I be so stupid?! They lost their parents around the same time that I did, there were three of them and they got a letter from their father telling them that they had a baby sister. It was them. The three Jonas boys, were my brothers. They were my family. I turned to Nick and hugged him tight. He kissed the top of my head and I looked up at him.

Emily - "You're my brother. My twin!"

He smiled wide and I hugged him again.

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