Its Christmas

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The week of Christmas everybody stayed with us we put up a big tree and placed presents under it we all went and sore the children in the orpangege wishing them a merry Christmas eve we can Carlos and I read Rosie the night before Christmas and put out milk and cookies and we went to bed Christmas mooring we all had bracers and then did presents

Lily and James got a family photo from me and colors and alcohol and a couple of vouchers from the others

Rick and jennet got a photo and choc lots and some vouchers

Kevin got dog tags from me nick and Joe got him a les Paul lily and James gave him a key to the house telling him to come and go as he pleased and rick and gannet gave him a voucher for the music store

Joe got dog tags form me from Kevin and nick he go a new iPhone with awesome music lily and James gave him a key to the house also and Janet and rick gave him a weight set

Nick got a I tag and cd from me I told him that it was to add to his chain and that the cd was the promos I he could hear my music he nodded from kevin and joe he got a drum set and lily and james a key for the house so he could come and go as he pleased jennet and rick gave him a voucher for drum lessons

Rosie got books toys and a locket from me lily and james got her a bike jennet and rick bought her clothes nick kevin and joe got her a charm bras let with drums girts miss and music notes on it damon had asked me if he could adopted her so he was really her dad I said yes so he gave her the papers framed telling her it made him her daddy for real she has so happy

Admen got dog tags and a photo from me nick got him a some cods and the others did not get him anything lily and James gave him a key and a letter jennet and rick gave him an elope and told him to open it latter

I got a charm bras let like rosiest from the boys lily and james gave me to things first was the paperwork for my adopting and the second was the most beautiful tiara I had ever seen rick and Janet gave me a punching bag and gym clothes and damon gave me an id bracelet and he told me he had something else for later it was a great day after I put Rosie down to bed damon took me out the back to the garden it had been done up with lights I sit on the swing and damon drops to one knee and pulls out a black box and opens it and asks me to marry him I tell him yes and he told me that the letter from james and lily was saying he had there permission for us to marry and the envelope from rick and Janet was tickets for a honeymoon the next day we told everyone we were engaged not that kevin and joe liked it much but it did dent matter it’s what I wanted.

the next chapter will be and epilogue to end this story

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