chapter 14

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I wake up an hour before my alarm clock goes off. I try to get up but something hard and heavy is on my waist. I look down to see that there is an arm around me. My heart beat quickens then I realize that it is Zack's arm. I lay my head back down on the pillow. I fell Zack stir in his sleep, I hope I didn't wake him up, then he pulls me closer to his body. He is warm, I let myself relax onto his body, I know I shouldn't let myself do this but I want to lay like this forever. Our bodies fit perfectly together, that sounded cliché. I fall back asleep in Zack's arms.

My alarm goes off. I hit the button to shut it up. I gently pick up Zack's arm and quietly slip out of the bed. I grab some cloths and go to the shower. When I get out Zack is still sleeping. I run down the stairs so I can catch mom before she leaves for work.

"mom." I say as she picks up her purse.

"Yes?" she asks.

"Zack is upstairs in my bed-" I start.

"Who is in your bed?" Tony asks. I didn't see him setting at the table.

"Zack." Mom says to Tony.

"Mom." I groan as Tony and Dean smirk. "This is serious."

"Are you pregnant?" Tony asks.

"Don't you have some desperate girl to bang?" I snap at Tony. He puts his hands up in surrender and walks out of the room. "anyway." I say. "Yesterday Zack knocked on the door and he was all bruised up. So I helped him to my room and cleaned him up. And when I asked who did this to him he said his dad did It." she puts her purse back on the chair.

"Honey go to school, I will take care of Zack." She says.


"Go now." She snaps. That is one of the first time she has ever snapped at me. I get in my truck and drive to school.


Zack wasn't at school or practice today. I rush home to see Tony, Dean, and Gavin setting at the table.

"Where's mom?" I ask.

"In your room." They say. I run up the stairs. I open my door to see my mom setting in my desk chair and Zack laying on my bed. When I get closer I see that Zack is asleep.

"Can we talk outside?" my mom whispers to me. I nod my head. "Social services have come out and told us his dad has been taken to prison and that he can live with us until his eighteenth birthday, which is this Sunday."

"He can stay?" I ask.

"yes." She says. A huge smile is put on my face.

"Where is he going to sleep?" I ask.

"Since he is your friend I guess we can put a mattress on your floor."

"Thank you." I say and hug her.

"I love you sweetie. Now I should start making dinner." She says and walks down the stairs. I go back into my room. I set on the chair my mom was setting in. Zack looks so peaceful in his sleep. And his light snore is just adorable. I pull out my homework and start my calculus home work.

I am almost finish with my homework Zack starts to wake up.

"hey." He says groggy.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I ask.

"I'm okay." He says. "I plan on going back to school tomorrow."

"I think you should rest tomorrow." I say.

"I need to go to school."

"I won't argue with you anymore... nerd."

"Shut up." He says. "What are you working on?"

"Chemistry homework." I say. "I hate chemistry... and calculus, English, pretty much every subject except PE and history."

"Want some help?" he asks.

"That would be nice." He sits up.

"Let me see." I show him my binder. "Oh, this is easy. What is the formula weight of sulfuric acid?"

"I have no idea." I say.

"The formula also indicates a mass as the sum of masses calculated this way, 2x1.008+32.0+4x16.0=98.0." I start smiling. "What are you smiling about?" he asks.

"You are a nerd." I say. He rolls his eyes.

My mom brings in some soup and crackers.

"Thank you Mrs. Brynn." Zack says.

"Zack," mom says, "we have been over this, you don't have to call me 'Mrs. Brynn' please call me Daisy."

"Yes ma'am."

"If you need anything just call for me." mom says and walks out. Then Dean, Gavin, and Tony walk in.

"Let's watch a movie." Tony says.

"Fine but no horror." I say.

"fine." Dean grumbles. He puts in a comedy. I sit next to Zack on my bed, Tony and Dean set on the beanbags and Tony sets on my desk chair.

Toward the end of the movie I fall asleep.

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