Autumn's Fire: Chapter 20: Epilogue

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I opened my amber eyes on my first day of existence to the sight of the inside of a strange flower bulb. It had large orange petals that met at the top where a honeycomb-like substance was growing down. I found myself kneeling on a yellow, spongy disc where, in front of me, there sat two gold coins. I blinked at them slowly, tilting my head to the side as I inspected them when suddenly, I heard a silky, smooth voice. I looked around the room, confused as to where the voice had come from, only to find the foggy image of a woman materializing above the coins. "Hello there. We don't have much time, so allow me to cut right to the chase. Your name is Autumn, and my name is Theia. I am the Sun Goddess, and I exist inside of you." The image spoke quickly and with confidence, so I nodded, taking this as fact.

"My name is Autumn. I like this name, but why am I named after a season?" I asked curiously.

"That's not important. There are plenty of other, more important things to cover," she dismissed my question, and I furrowed my brow at her, a silent protest that she ignored. "Now, the first thing you should know, is that this is what you look like," she motioned to herself, a pale skinned woman with long, brown braids, gold patterns etched into her skin, and wings of golden flame. I looked down at myself, and sure enough, this was true. "Second, you have no memories of your past life, and you will never have negative feelings in this one. This is to protect you from something horrible you did in your last life," she explained.

"People don't normally remember their past lives," I said from a knowledge instilled in my soul, confused.

"Well, you have been reincarnated as a race that does. You are what is known as an Ellylldan, or Fire Fairy. People that are reincarnated as Ellylldan are those that in a past life were wronged, committed a heinous act in response, and then killed themselves in regret. Your current existence is punishment for that," Theia responded.

I gave her a look of further confusion. "That seems oddly specific." I scrunched my brow skeptically.

"Yes, that's true, but it happens a lot more often than you'd think," she admitted, but then shook her head. "We're getting off track. Anyway, as I was saying, you don't remember things from your past life for a good reason, so while you may ask me anything about your past life, I recommend not asking about anything negative that may have happened. I will, of course, warn you if you're unknowingly asking about something that has to do with those memories." Theia paused to get my confirmation, so I nodded in response. "Good. Now, you are welcome to do whatever you want, but you should also know that I will be using your body whenever I see fit," she continued.

"Using it? What does that mean?" I asked.

"I will have control over your body. You will have memory of any time I do, though, of course," she explained, and I nodded, a little confused still, but accepting. "Very good. Well, I look forward to working with you, Autumn." The image of the woman smiled and dissolved into the air.


A Spark's Light:

The Sequel to Autumn's Fire

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