Introducing everyone!

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Hi, my name is Lily (not really). I'm here with two of my friends, GG and Llo (those are nicknames)

We are here to gather up the Hamilton crew and react to the musical that Lin-Manuel Miranda (+more) gave us!!

Alex=Alexander Hamilton, Ang=Angelica Schuyler, Thomas=Thomas Jefferson, James=James Madison, Maria=Maria Reynolds JR=James Reynolds, Eliza=Eliza Schuyler-Hamilton, Peggy=Peggy, Laf=Lafayette, Herc=Hercules Mulligan, John=John Laurens, Philip=Philip Hamilton, Wash=George Washington, Burr=Aaron Burr, Hamilsquad=Laurens+Mulligan+Lafayette+Hamilton, Lily=me, Llo=my friend, GG=my friend

Lily-Alright, we have an hour to teleport all of them 300 years into the future! Let's do this!


GG-I got them yesterday. They all slept in my basement.

Llo/Lily-Oh. Okay.

GG-*Brings in everyone* Peeps this is our leader, Lily.

Lily-*waves* Hi!

GG-And that's Llo Llo.

Llo-G, just "Llo", okay? So it doesn't confuse the readers.

GG-Oh, okay!

James-What readers?

Lily-Look what you did, Llo. Ugh, just ignore them. You people are all in a musical called Hamilton...

Thomas-Why is it called that? Why is it about him? Did Hamilton write it?

Lily-No, a brilliant man called Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote it! And I think it's about him AND Eliza, because it talks about Eliza being in Alexander's narrative one day, so although it's MAINLY focused on Alexander, I think it's called 'Hamilton' for both Alex AND Eliza. Now don't interrupt me!!

Thomas-*whispers* why is she black?

Llo-You mean me?

Thomas-You're the only black person in this room, so...yeah?

Lily-*strikes him across the face* don't you DARE speak to my friends like that, you got it?

Thomas-That hurt!!



Lily-Now, as I was saying...

Laf-What year is this?

GG-2020, now let her finish.


Women-Well, it had to come SOME day, didn't it?

Lily-Yes, 300 years in the future, now shut up before I make you shut up. *holds a chair over her head*

Men-*Gulp*yes Ma'am

Lily-Better. Now, you guys are going to be reacting to every song in the musical except for a select few.

Llo-But if they don't listen to Say No To This, We Know, or The Reynolds Pamphlet, then he's just gonna make the same mistake!

Lily-I don't want to write the Schuyler sisters' reactions though!

Llo-Alright, you're choice. *smirks*

Everyone-*looks confused*

GG-Don't question it.



Lily-One, NO CURSING!! That includes in the comments too!!!

Thomas-Girl, you can't just keep us from freakin' cursin'!

Lily-I just did. I replace your words with 'girl' and 'freakin'. DON'T UNDERESTIMATE ME!!

Thomas-*gulp* okay

Llo-GG, what are you looking at?


Everyone-Who's Harry Potter? What's Pinterest?

Lily-G, now's not the time for Pin...*gets a Pinterest notification* OOOOOH!!!!

Alex-What are those boxes??? *tries to touch it*

Lily-HANDS OFF MY PHONE!!! *bursts into flames* Oooh, I can do that here? Yay!!

(Btw lemme know your Pinterest account so I can follow you!!)

A/N Alright my Hamilfans! That is chapter one! Chapter 2 will be Alexander Hamilton! Yay! Alright, pretty short chapter, only 311 words!

Stay connected!

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