《PART 10》

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Y/N P.O.V:
...The moment i got in bed, i fell asleep right away.

We were dancing but the music suddenly stopped. I felt someone grabbing my shoulders. I turned and looked at him.
"Y/N, there is something i had to tell you"
"Shhhhh! Listen to me Y/N" i nodded and let him continue, i looked at his eyes. I felt my heart beating really fast.
"The reason why i've always been avoiding your eyes was because..." i gulped.
"...everytime i do so..., i-i can't help but see AN UGLY POTATO"

Beep beep beep~
I jumped from the bed when i heard the alarm.
"AAAAARRRRRRGGH!!!!" i groaned. "What kind of dream was that? HWANG HYUNJIN!!! WHY DID YOU PUT THAT FREAKING POTATO THING IN MY MIND?" i shooked my head to get that thought off my mind.
I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror.

Today, the practice was starting at 2 p.m.
I was walking to JYP intertainment but i couldn't stop thinking of that weird dream.
But still, i was wondering why he was like that. One time he was very nice and smiling but one time he was just silent and avoiding looking at me.
*Is that boy bipolar or what?*
*Y/N! Stop thinking about him. You should focus on your work now*

I arrived but the room was still empty. I looked at the time, i was 1 hour early.
I began stretching by myself, then i played some musics and danced.
As i was dancing, i saw someone entering the room through the mirror so i stopped.
I turned around and saw Hyunjin.
"Why are you here this early?" he asked.
"Uh... I don't know"
There was an awkward silence.

"So... D-do you want to dance with m-me?" i proposed to break the silence but it was still awkward.
I played Miroh and we started dancing.
When we finished the choreo, we both fell on the ground breathing heavily. This choreography sure was tiring.
Then i started to speak.
"Hyunjin, can i ask you something?"
"Yes, what?"
"D-do you think i look like... like an ugly potato?"

He looked at me and laughed. I already regreted what i asked.
"You? Ugly potato? Of course NO"
"Then, why are you laughing?" i pouted.
"Because you are funny. In fact, i think you are... very pretty"
I felt the heat rising up to my face so i hide it with my hands.

"In fact, i think you are...very pretty" i was looking at her and saw that she was blushing. She hide her face with her small hands.
"So cute" i said quitely, i didn't think she heard it.
But my heart though, was beating so hard that i was afraid she would hear it.

Y/N P.O.V:
I heard him say something but i did not hear what exactly. I took my hands off my face and all i knew was that we were now staring into each other's eyes, still laying on the floor. Again, my heart was racing incredibly fast.

We heard the door open and saw Jeongin, Seungmin, Felix and Han (maknae lines yeah ~A/N). They didn't saw us at first but as soon as they did, they looked at us with questioning looks. We got up really fast.
"Hello Y/N"
"Hey guys"
"What were you two doing?" Han asked looking at me, then at Hyunjin.
"Nothing interesting, we just danced" He retorted but went out right after, not even looking at us, leaving me and the others confused.
"What's wrong with him?" i frowned.
"Don't worry, he's just lost with his feelings" Felix explained and they laughed but i didn't understand what he meant by «lost with his feelings ».
I just shrugged my shoulders in response.

When everyone had finally arrived, we started to practice. I sometimes made eye contact with Hyunjin but we didn't interact much. I spent most of the time with Chaeyeon and we became much closer.
We had 20 minutes of break so we both went to Soul Cup. We talked about many things and about ourselves to know more about each other. She shared with me that she was a trainee at SM intertainment for 2 years. She had more experiences than me, but it was normal since, believe me or not, she was 4 years older than me.
*Woah, she already trained for 2 years, no wonder why she is so talented and she looks really young for her age*
And we continued talking 'till the end of the break.
The rest of the day went really well and we all went home after. We finished early so i didn't call Jena.

I finally got home.
"Jena, can i talk to you?"
"Of course! Is there anything bothering you?"
"Actually, yes"
I sat on her bed and i told her what happened when i was with Hyunjin.

"Y/N, you are dumb!" she suddenly said.
"Why can't you just admit that you actually like Hyunjin?"
"No, i don't" i denied.
"Stop denying, it's pretty obvious and i know you"
"I-i don't know, i don't think i really like him as you say" i looked down.
"Y/N, YOU-LIKE-HIM" her hands were on my cheeks to make me look at her.

I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror like i did this morning but this time...
"I like... Hyunjin?"
I blushed.


I like Hyunjin, you like Hyunjin and everyone likes Hyunjin, right?

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