《PART 20》

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As i got closer, she closed her eyes. She was so cute. I wanted to kiss her and she seemed to wait for it too. But i decided not to do it. I chuckled and tickled her.

Y/N P.O.V:
I closed my eyes shut and... He tickled me. I started laughing really hard.
"Stop it! I'll sing with you. Please stooop!"
He stopped.
*How embarassing! Y/N, you are so stupid!* i thought, crying inside out of embarassment. I really thought he was going to kiss me.
*I'm sure he noticed that i was waiting for something*

"Any song you want to sing?" he asked me.
"Levanter" i smiled.
"Our song? Really?"
"Yes yes"
"Whose part do you want to do?"
"I'll do Chan, Lee know, Han and Seungmin's part"
"You don't want to do my part?" he pouted a bit. I shook my head.
He played the music.
When i sang Lee Know's part, he stared at me weirdly. *am i that bad?*
We finished the song.

"Woaaaaaah! You sing really well Y/N. Why did you say you were bad at singing?"
"It's just that i don't like my voice, but thank you"
"You may not like it but i love it"
"Yah, stop being so romantic!"
We continued singing other songs. We even tried to sing Agust D by Agust D. It was funny.
I sang almost all my favorite songs. At the end i was the only one singing, Hyunjin was just looking at me.

It was really late, we didn't see the time.
"I hope you won't get in trouble because you are out at this hour" i said
"Are you sure you are the one who should say that?" he asked jokingly.
"Well..." i shrugged.
"Aren't you hungry? Because i am" he changed the subject.
"I'm not hungry but did you not notice that you were the one who ate all the foods at the karaoke. When i was singing, i thought you were listening to me but no, you were busy eating" i laughed thinking of it.
"I was hungry, it wasn't my fault"

We were walking and i got a message from Jena.
«Are you coming soon
«I'm on my way»
«Waiting for youuu!!»

Hyunjin was looking at me.
"What?" i asked.
"We forgot to take pictures"
"Give me that!"
He took my phone.
"Oh! why is Jeonginnie your wallpaper?"
"You forgot that i was Ot8 before and plus he is cute"
"Cuter than me?"
"Yes" i said without even hesitating.
"Hey! Be loyal to your bias!"
"I tried but it's too difficult. But don't worry, i'm loyal to my boyfriend" i winked.
"That my girl!" he blushed and pulled me into a hug.
"We should really go now, it's late. We'll take pictures another time"

We were standing in front of the house.
"I had so much fun tonight, thank you Hyunjinnie"
"We'll have more fun on our next date. Good night my ugly potato"
"You're so mean! But good night anyway"

"You're so mean! But good night anyway"
She was smiling widely. I couldn't handle her cuteness so i went closer to her face and kissed her cheek.
I could see her face getting red.

Y/N P.O.V:
He suddenly kissed my left cheek and i felt the heat rising to my face.
"I should go now, bye Y/N!"

I put my hands on my cheeks and smiled weirdly, entering the house.
Jena was already waiting for me.
"Did you really wait for me?"
"Yes, now tell me everything"
"We just walked and walked and we went to a karaoke and we walked again and we went home" i avoided talking about the embarassing moment when i thought he was going to kiss me.
"That's so boooooring. But wait, you went to a karaoke? Did you sing?"
"How's that possible? You always refuse to sing. Even i never heard you singing. I mean i only heard you shouting songs not singing them"
"He forced me to, i didn't have any choice"
"What did this boy do to our little Y/N that she accepted singing" she faked crying.
"Sometimes i really wonder if you're not more dramatic than Hyunjin"
She shrugged her shoulders in response then said.
"You didn't tell me, did you two... Kiss?"
"Uh... No... He kissed me on the cheek"
"Awwwwwww, so cute!!"
"Now go out of my room. It's late, we need to sleep" i threw a pillow to her.
"Okey, good night Hyunjin's girlfriend!" she walked out.
"Yah, you should get yourself a boyfriend too"
"I'm not interested"
She had a boyfriend when we were in college but that bastard cheated on her and since then, she never got one anymore.


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