《PART 25》

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Y/N P.O.V:
We walked out of the office. There was an awkward silence for a while. Then Hyunjin stopped walking.
"Why?" he mumbled. I turned to look at him.
"H-hyunjin, i-"
"Hyunjin, Y/N! I don't think you should talk here. Let's go to the dorm, you'll have your conversation there" Chan said.
And we walked to their dorm.

We arrived and Chan brought the others outside so that Hyunjin and i could talk without them disturbing us.

We were in their living room. He sat on the cough and i sat beside him.
"Now tell me why?" he began.
"Why did you agree with JYP? Why did you agree to break up?" he added. Tears started to form in his eyes as he started to sob. He was looking at the floor blankly.
"Hyunjin, i-i'm sorry but we had no choice" i answered as i also started to cry.
"We could have found solutions but you just took your decision"
"No, i just don't want to destroy your career... Stray Kids' career. That's why i agreed"
"That's not important. Plus, other idols are dating so why not us?" he was now looking right in my eyes.
"Did you even really love me?" his eyes was now blank.
"W-what? H-hyunjin, don't say that! I-i love you-"
"I'm sorry Y/N but i can't believe you" he stood up from the couch.
"I think you were right after all. We should break up and end everything here" he continued.
I didn't know what to say anymore. He went to his room. I heard his door shut and i began crying hard. I also heard him sobbing.
My heart ached so much and i couldn't breath properly.

After some times, i finally decided to go home.
I entered the house and went to my room, then broke in tears again. One hour, two hours passed but i couldn't stop crying. Then i fell asleep.

I woke up and realized it was already dark outside. I went downstairs and saw Jena in the living room, watching TV.
"Hey Jena, why didn't you wake me up?"
"I thought you needed to rest. Han told me everything" she said. I sat beside her.
"Don't worry, it's gonna be alright" she hugged me and patted my back.
"Thank you Jena, thank you for being by my side" i couldn't help but cry again.
"It's fine, you did the same to me"
We watched movies all night, especially horror ones.

Time skip~

JYP still let me work in the agency. I tried to ignore Hyunjin as much as i could and tried to be professionnal.
It was of course really hard for us. Since that day, i didn't see him smile or laugh as he used to do. Yet, he smiled and laughed with the others but i could see that he was just forcing himself.
Time passed but he was always like this, he wasn't himself anymore.
I realized it was my fault, maybe it was because i was still there, maybe because he still saw me everyday that he can't forget what happened.

Now, i was looking at the ceiling of my room, listening to musics with my earphones. I already spent an hour there. I was lost in my thoughts.
*It's been two months and half since i came here. So much things happened. Maybe it's time to go back and forget this. I caused so much troubles here...*
It hurt but i couldn't do otherways, i made my decision.

The next day, i talked to Jena.
"You don't have to leave because of that. You have a new life here"
"No Jena! I need to go. I need to go far away from here. Because of me, Hyunjin is not focused on his career anymore and-" a tear fell from my eyes.
"Y/N!" She took me in her arms.
"Don't worry! If you really think it's the best for the both of you. I won't stop you" She added.
"Thank you, really thank you Jena"

Jena conviced me to stay for one more week and we spent those days by just having good times and making good memories. At least my last week was amazingly enjoyable. I quit my job at JYP a week ago and i'm now packing my stuffs 'cause my flight is in less than 24h.


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