Chapter 39

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Their heels clicked on the glistening floor,

Hands curled on designer bags,

Million-dollar dresses on billionaire bodies,

Accessories that do not add to beauty but to their status,

Imported cars that are more to show than to ride,

Memberships of the most elite clubs,

And minds that always thinking of money,

That is the glamorous world of the rich.


The other side feels the dust and pain on their feet,

Their hands are coarse from grinding forever,

Dresses bearing holes adorn their bodies,

The only accessories they know of are seen but never touched,

They ride bikes and pull the weight ahead to earn and to move,

Their memberships are to get food for their hungry children,

But their minds,

Oh! Their minds more peaceful than the dripping rich.

-The Contrast.

-Oyin B.

Have all of you heard about how costly it is to live in Hongkong for the commoners?  If you have not, you can and then you will truly understand the contrast. Meanwhile vote, comment and share.

Have a great day at home!



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