Day Four

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Chapter Eleven:

"AHHHH!" For the second time in the Games, I wake up to a scream. Parker, Rosie, Edison, and I look outside of the Cornucopia to find Stingra locked in battle with Maya from District Six.

Maya attacks Stingra with a bludgeon, hitting her in the shoulder. It erupts with blood. Stingra then slices Maya's cheek with her sword when trying to hit her throat. Not planning on being defeated, Maya aims a hard blow to her skull. BOOM! Stingra's cannon goes off instantly. I can't believe this; Stingra should've easily killed her. I'm truly stunned. I wonder if Maya knows the rest of us were here.

As if to answer my thought, Maya looks over to us and start to speak like an insane person, "I know you're there. If you wanna won't with me here. You see how easily I killed that girl from One? I can do the same to every one of you too..."

Rosie sprints out of hiding with her knives at Maya. I guess she couldn't stand to see another one of her friends die. Maya notices quickly, and I can see evil in her eyes as Rosie runs to her. She pulls up her bludgeon and tries to hit Rosie in the chest, but she dodges and it misses her completely. Rosie is fast; she runs behind Maya and tackles her and pushes her to the ground.
Maya turns to Rosie to keep her face off the grass, as well as to speak some meaningful words.

"Just because you train doesn't mean you always win. I'm still in this, but you won't be for much longer!"

Rosie realizes what Maya's about to do and stabs the larger girl in the back.
She winces and it sounds like she's holding back a scream.

"You think you're still in this?" she menacingly asks Maya, "I don't."

Rosie slits Maya's wrists and blood violently spurts out. Rosie's vest is soaked in the dark red liquid.

"Just because I'm about to die doesn't mean you'll win! I hope none of you monsters end up claiming victory!" she screams with her dying breath. BANG! She's dead.

I'm a little confused as to what just happened. All I remember is two consecutive deaths, first Stingra, and then Maya. Also, Maya wants us to die. No surprise there; it seems everybody does. The helicopter comes to get Stingra's and Maya's corpses, and Rosie, Parker, Edison, and I just stand there and watch.

"You wanna go to the meadow?" Parker privately asks me.

"Yeah..." I answer, "I just need to get away from here."

We walk silently over to the west where we find wildflowers growing, but we are smart enough to not to go near them, because it is almost certain that they are poisonous. The scenery is calming, green grass, blue sky, and fluffy white clouds, something I'm hoping to see again in my lifetime.
Parker and I sit down on the ground. In District Two, it was hard to find somewhere to just lie around and watch the clouds; the terrain is mostly mountainous and rocky. But I've heard that in Victor's Village there was field behind the mansions, I guess the victors need a place to relax and get away from their bloody memories.

Parker finally breaks the silence, "You know, there are only seven left."

In all of this serenity, I almost forget what he's talking about, "I know... It's almost over. I can only hope that training pays off and I get to go home. And if I do win, I need to live knowing that I've gotten my long-awaited revenge. Killing Prim will be the greatest achievement of my life."

"Yeah. When she dies, she needs to fall to your hands. If you were to win with someone else killing her, knowing you, you would murder Katniss during the Victory Tour," he says, "Hey, did you even wonder what President Snow would think if you killed Prim? I think he'd really appreciate it, I mean, you know how much he hated Katniss after she tried to win with that other guy? Making her suffer would gain you a place in a list of his favorite people. Maybe he would even consider letting us both win, just to show Katniss that how much he hates her. That he favors you much more than her."

I had to think a bit about what he had just said, then I figured it out, "Oh my gosh! You're right! We could win together if I torture Prim enough. Parker, you're a genius!"

He looks proud of himself, "I know I am."

Before I could congratulate him more, I hear a sound coming from the camp, and it's definitely not a pleasant sound. Parker hears it too, and we dart back to the Cornucopia. When we get back, Edison's gone, and Rosie's clothes are bloodstained, and she looks like she's in agony.

"He... He stabbed me and ran, I couldn't catch him. I'm so sorry Aqua and Parker, I might not make it through this," she mumbles.

I run to get the medicine I got for my foot, which I'd hidden in my sleeping bag. I smear some on Rosie's back, where the knife had entered her body. I can tell she's about to pass out, but after a few seconds, I can see more life in her eyes.

"I'm gonna kill him, I'm gonna kill him..." she keeps whispering to herself.
I can tell she's not completely 'with it' yet. I think about asking her where he went, but I decide to leave her alone for a little longer.

"Hey Aqua, look at this," Parker says while pointing at our piles of supplies. I walk over, and can see a noticeable difference, "Edison took a bunch of stuff with him. Most of the food is gone, and some weapons we weren't carrying."

"He deserves to die, slowly and painfully" I reply, "No one can rob the Career and get away with it."

After a while, Rosie stopped muttering and looks around, confused, "What exactly just happened?" she asks.

I answer, "Edison attacked you while we were gone, and I think you were just pretty dizzy and out of it."

I can see fire in her eyes now, "He did what? I'm gonna track him down and kill him. That jerk's gonna pay."

"Before you do that, I'd suggest keeping calm for a while. Your wound looks better than it did when we came here. Aqua's medicine is working well,"
Parker calmingly reassures her.

Rosie goes back inside the Cornucopia and lies down while me and Parker sit outside. "I wish I could go through this without knowing anyone," I state, "I can stand watching my friends die or get injured. This isn't what I wanted when I volunteered. Life in the arena would be so much more enjoyable if all you had to do was worry about keeping yourself alive, not just the other people."

"I agree. This is getting to be too much to handle. All I want to do is leave. I know almost all former Career tributes love killing teens, they didn't care who died while they became victor. Earning respect and popularity is top on their list, not protecting people they know."

The rest of the day is spent watching the camp and listening for cannons. Rosie's recovering quickly; the wound wasn't very deep or life-threatening.
Finally when it starts to get dark, the Capitol's anthem starts playing. In the sky I see only the faces of Stingra and Maya. The daily death count will start decreasing fast now that there are only seven left, and most of them are part of alliances: There's Parker, Rosie, and I in the Career alliance, Prim and Samantha in a partnership, and then Chuck and Edison, who are most likely in solitude.

"I'll take first watch tonight," Parker says, "we'll both just go back and forth so Rosie doesn't have to get up."

"Okay. Let's do two hour intervals though," I suggest. Parker agrees, and I go in the Cornucopia, step over Rosie, get into my sleeping bag, and fall into a deep sleep.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Please vote and review!

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