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This chapter is dedicated to @MapleLeafx for her incredible feedback, supportive comments, and for becoming my new Wattpad friend! <3 I know this can be a challenge because I talk ALOT. 


In your last moments, it's always been said that your life will flash before your eyes.

As the Joker's teeth tore into my exposed skin though, the only thing that flashed through my mind was memories that would never be.

The moments that hadn't happened, the decisions I had yet to make, goals I hadn't accomplished.

They were all there, dancing around me ritually as I pushed back against the Jokers face.

I tried calling for help but the words gurgled incoherently in my throat. The only thing stopping him from tearing the flesh from my bone was the pressure I put against his head. He had latched on tight, deep enough to make my chest and stomach red. I could feel him trying to tear me apart though. My entire body burned and twitched as I felt a shockwave of nausea twist my gut. Amidst the ringing in my ears, I could hear my cries echoing across the open air of the warehouse. In the corner of my eye, I saw another round of Jokers weasel their way under the door, before stumbling towards me.

The dead soldier strained against my hands, wanting me to submit to my fate as his prey. The smell of his deceased body smothered me. The curve of my spine bruised against the steps, as his body weight pushed me down against them. He hadn't begun dinner yet and I was already suffering. I wanted it to stop, I wanted him to stop, but my body was weak from sleep deprivation and physical exertion. It'd be easier to let him win.

Maybe I could guide his jaws to a vein, so I could go faster?

No, I couldn't give up.

"Get off!" I croaked, feeling the veins in my biceps bulge as I finally pushed his face far back enough to pull his teeth out of me.

Snarling, bloody flecks of spit hit my face as he strained against me. Behind him, the other Jokers began trying to climb over his frame. The stairwell's narrow design was the only thing stopping them from getting a hold me. I was trapped. I was going to die. There was no way out of this. I wouldn't be able to hold him back forever; he was already gaining the advantage. I could feel his teeth grazing my damaged skin again as his colorless iris' locked with mine. 

I closed my eyes, unable to stomach his gaze.

I guess this is how it ends.

No last words, no company, just me and the impending tunnel of light.

Who knew dying sounded like gunfire?

Abruptly then, my harrowing final thoughts were broken by a prominent burn on my hand and something splashing across my face. Daring to open my eyes, I saw that the dead Soldier had gone limp in my grip as blood from the bullet wound between his eyes dripped on me.

Gasping, I quickly shoved him to the side as two more gunshots rang out, taking down the Jokers working their way up the stairs. Breathing heavily, I raised my quivering arm to see a vertical cut across the back of my hand. The bullet that hit the soldier had grazed me. 

Turning back then, I saw Linda pointing her sidearm in the direction of the breaking garage door. The frame was bending, snapping, any second now it was going to give way, allowing all the Jokers inside.

When she saw me looking up at her, she lowered her weapon and quickly ran down the stairs. "Fuck kid, I turn away for one moment and you get in trouble again," she scolded, grabbing my elbow so she could help me to my feet.

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