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The next day when I woke up, Karan was staring at me. My cheeks heated up as blush coated my cheeks. He chuckled seeing my flustered state.

"Good morning." He greeted, his voice husky. He moved a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Morning." I chirped as I smiled at him. It was then I noticed our position. My head was on his shoulder while my arm was wrapped around his torso and leg was tangled with his.

So hot.

"So...." He crawled out as a distant look appeared in his eyes.

"So?" I questioned, my brows furrowed as I sat up beside him. He copied my actions and sat, facing me.

"Were you serious about what you said yesterday?" He asked. I give him a confused look. He sighed and rephrased the question. "Were you serious about you liking me?" His eyes were hopeful as well as scared.

I smiled before answering. "Yes Karan. It was very much true. You make me feel protected and cared for."

He grasped my hand which was in my lap, in his before speaking.

"I feel the same way. Maybe it was like at first sight." He joked.

I chuckled as stared at him.

God seriously took his time in making this masterpiece.

But once again, he sobered up and his face was clear of any emotions.

"We have to leave today. Dev told me that the coast was clear. That Tony was laying low and we should use this time to get you to him." He spoke.

I really didn't want to go to either of those men. I would appreciate being with Karan or alone. I don't even know them.

Karan must have seen the look on my face because his hand found my cheek as he made me look at him.

"I know you don't know him and don't even trust him but there's no harm in meeting the man once especially the one who is doing so much to save you." He tried to explain.

Yes. There's no harm in meeting him.
I thought about the whole idea.

"You just have to talk to him once. I promise I'll be right behind the door."

Hearing this, I felt a little relieved. At least he will be there.

"Okay." I nodded and passed him a smile which he reciprocated.

"Let's get ready then." He announced as I puffed out a breath.

Let's do this!


Half an hour later, we were ready to meet Mr. Dev Patel. Well I most of all.
Karan showed me his picture and he was an average man. He didn't look like a person who would harm someone.

Karan locked the door behind him as I adjusted the small bag. The bag mostly contained Karan's things. He didn't tell me what they were and ordered me not to ask what they were.


With a remote in his hand and bag in mine, we stood in front of a garage. It was way much bigger than his apartment. God knows how many cars does he own. But my question was soon answered as Karan clicked a button on the remote and the garage cover elegantly opened.

"Woah!" I drawled out, amazed. The beast of a garage house four vehicles. One was satin black Lamborghini, a white Fortuner, black Royal Enfield and a Kawasaki Ninja.

I just can't even think about how much those cost but they were gorgeous. I loved cars and bikes. I always wanted to own a car but my pocket was always tight.

"Like what you see?" Karan's voice broke me from my thoughts. I turned my head to look at him. A smirk was plastered on his face while his eyes held pride and adoration for his collection.

"Loved it." I answered truthfully as I too turned my head to look at them.

Those must have cost a fortune but Karan was a rich man and his father also left him with a lot.

I heard the sound of keys jingles and a second later, the Fortuner's headlights blinked twice, indicating it was unlocked. Karan looked at me and motioned with his head 'let's go'.

I opened the car door and got comfortable in my seat before closing the door. It smelled of a expensive perfume and the black interior shined. Karan sat a second later and we hit the road.

"It's going to be okay." Karan's soothing voice reached my mind as his hand clasped mine.

"What?" I asked having no clue of what he was saying.

"I know you are overthinking and stressing yourself so please stop. Everything will be okay." He spoke ad he kissed my hand. His eyes never leaving the road.

"Yes. Because you are with me."


An hour later, the car stopped and we got out, standing in front of a medium sized house. It was painted white and a well kept garden was in front of the house. One could easily tell that the owner was rich just looking at the house.

"Let's go." Karan said as he placed a hand on the small of my back. The guards nodded their heads and opened the gate to let us in.


The driveway was a little long but we managed to walk through the way. The main door was a colour of brown. Before Karan could ring the bell, the door was opened by a woman. I assume she works here, looking at her uniform.

"Please come in." She welcome us with small smile.

Why is everyone treating us like we have been coming here for a long time?

She took us to the living room and gestured us to sit. The house screamed elegance yet simplicity.

We both sat down and I looked at Karan. He was nonchalant about all this.

"Don't you find this a little strange?" I asked, looking around the house for any photos but there were none.

"No. I do really think that he knows you. And you won't find any photos because he doesn't have family." He answered both my questions.

"Great." I mumbled just as the maid came back again with a tray in her hands. She set the tray down before taking a few steps back.

"Please make yourself comfortable. Mr Patel will be here shortly." She spoke as if she has said this a thousand time.

Karan picked up the glass of juice before gulping it down quickly. I glared at him and he just shrugged his shoulders.

Dev Patel
Dev Patel
Dev Pa-

Oh shit!

I know who he is.


Kaur D

Virika: Agent K2 Where stories live. Discover now