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Gwen Dsouza
Today Krystle turned six. My baby is growing big day by day and one day she'll turn into a fine lady. I really hope that she could see her father once. He was not a bad man. He just didn't want a baby that time.

"Mommy!" I heard a shrill voice call out before a very excited Krystle came running towards me. She was wearing her new blue fairy dress which had stones on it with a pair of silver sandals. Her hair was styled in a half updo and she looked no less than a princess.

My princess.

"Yes baby." I asked seeing her excited face as she stood before me. But instead of answering, her smile fell and a frown settled on her face.

"You crying? Why?" She asked me. My brows furrowed as I touched my cheek to feel wetness. I chuckled as I wiped my cheeks before pulling Krystle into my lap, making her face me.

"Mommy is crying because mommy's princess is growing and one day she'll leave mommy when she'll marry her prince." I spoke slowly and touched my forehead with hers, before pulling away.

"Am I your princess? And really? Prince come to take me away?" She inquired. Her big eyes filled with curiosity.

I smiled.

"Yes you are my princess and yes again. A handsome prince will come to take you away from me."

"I won't leave you mommy." She said sadly as she hugged me.

"Promise?" I asked even though I know that one day she'll leave but it would be for her happiness.

"Pinky promise." She replied. I smiled and hugged her close to my body as I kissed her forehead.

She is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

The ringing of doorbell took us out from our peace land. Krystle hopped off my lap before rushing out of the room.

"Don't open the door!" I shouted while walking towards the door.

Krystle was standing in front of the door waiting for me to open it. She always think that it could be a gift for her since I, once, surprised her with an unexpected gift.

I peeped through the peep hole to see a man, his face was turned to the side as if exploring the house. My heart thudded in my chest.

What if-

But before my mind could think of something else the man turned his head. I breathed a sigh of relief before getting away from the door and unlocking it.

Dev Patel stood in front of my house with a bouquet in his hands. He smiled as his eyes took in Krystle's small figure hiding behind my leg.

When did she do that?

"Gwen." Dev smiled, expecting an answer. I smiled back before opening the door wider and standing on the side, Krystle beside me.

Dev took that as his cue to enter the house. As soon as he entered, I closed the door before kneeing down in front of Krystle.

"Baby, mommy is gonna talk to that man. He is a friend of mommy. So while I talk, can you go inside your room and play. I'll call you after we'll finish. Okay?" I asked.

It was not that Dev would hurt her or anything. I just didn't want her to listen to adult talks.

"Okay mommy." She smiled and kissed my cheek before hopping off to her bedroom.

I sighed and stood up before walking to the living room where I knew Dev sat.

Dev Patel was the best friend of Yash. They met in tenth standard and instantly connected. They were in the same college as well as me. When I first met Dev, all he did was flirt and hit on me always. But when things started getting serious between Yash and I, he backed off and instead treated me like a sister.
We three were like the inseparable three but as always nothing stays permanent.

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