Chapter 1.

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Heads Up .... A little Important Info...

So, this story timeline is during the same time zone as tangled (The film).

Buts its not a tangle AU ... Not one. I'm just saying its the same time zone since I wasn't sure what year group to name it as.




"Lance McClain, Your future husband" A seven year old boy spoke with a huge grin as he took another little girl hand placing a kiss on the back. He was tall and thin for his age with light tan skin. Beautiful ocean blue eyes and short curly chocolate brown hair. H

"Katie Holt, not your future wife" A six year old girl smiled back as she pulled her hand free from the boy. The little girl was short and small for her age with pale skin. She had long soft hazel hair that ended mid back and bright pretty hazel eyes. Cute freckles over her cheeks and nose. 

"You never know" Lance smiled cheekily as he crossed his arms over his simple working boy white shirt, his brown waste coat had ripped buttons and his brown trousers had a coupe holes in the leg.

"Why don't we just become friends" Katie smiled sweetly, finding it strange how sure the boy was of himself. Her long fancy purple and white dress blowing slightly in the wind, her hair lifting up but still semi in place thanks to her purple headband.

"Marriage starts with friendship" Lance grinned, hope in his blue eyes. 

"And here I thought you wouldnt be like all the other boys my father gets me to meet" Katie frowned and placed a hand on her hip.

"Other boys" Lance asked unsure as he looked to the smaller girl. 

"Boys are only after my rare beauty, my family money or my family name ... They always ask for my marriage not my friendship and your just he same" Katie huffed and looked to the ground.

"Is your name strange or important then" Lance replied shocking her. 

"You never heard of the Daibazaal name" Pidge asked with slight hope.

"Should I, I just moved his with my mama last week and last night I prayed to god to give me a really pretty wife then today I meet you. Your my angle god sent me" Lance smiled brightly as he looked to Katie who looked to him stunned before letting a giggle escape her lips.

"If you still think that way in ten years, then my hand is marriage will be all yours" Katie promised with a soft smile as she held Lance hand, holding it between where they stood opposite the other. 

"Its a promise, I'll make sure to be the first boy to ever marry angle" Lance cheered making Katie giggle.

"But your better learn to make cookies, My mum doesn't let me have cookies but I really like them when my brother sneaks one over to me" Katie grinned making Lance chuckle.

"I'm not master but I made some with my mama last night ... wanna try one" Lance smiled as he pulled one out from his pocket passing it to her.

"Well if we gonna be husband and wife, we need to share all treats" Katie smiled sweetly and half the cookies, giving one half to lance.

"So" Lance asked with worry as he looked to her once they ate their half's of the cookie.

"Its great, your gonna be one great husband" Katie smiled brightly and did a silly peace sign. 

"I'm glad" Lance grinned and looked to her before they both turned to guards yelling in the distance.

"I hope we can meet again soon Lance" Katie smiled softly as she grabbed his hand.

"Why not tomorrow, I still only have you in my life so far ... we can go friend hunting together but no checking out the other boys" Lance smiled slightly as he notice her glance behind him.

"I'm sure you'll make tons of friends, I'll be waiting for you Lance McClain" Katie smiled sweetly and kissed his cheek before running off. 

"She kissed me" Lance cheered in the middle of the muddy street. 

Lance ran back to the meeting spot the next morning and waited as the sun flew over the blue sky. He waited and waited until his mama collected him once it was dark. Day after day he waited for his future wife. 

But she never did show up, instead of seeing her sweet smile and shining eyes .. he saw the pain of the town people. He saw how much they were suffering and the sadness that filled their eyes each day. How harsh their lives were and how depressed the town was.

He grew up, fighting against the cruel life to keep his smile, a smile he didnt want to throw away like everyone else around him.  

Death rates and punishment  becoming normal for the town and he soon learned why. 

King Zarkon Daibazaal was the reason. 

King of the Garrison kingdom was a horrible king who brought nothing but pain and hate to the kingdom. 

A villain in many eyes as they lost there hope for a better life. 

But lance stayed keeping his smile, he wouldnt lose it not when he had a promise to keep. A promise that broke his heart as he leaned more of the royal family. 

King Zarkon who was married to Queen Colleen, Zarkon being Colleen first husband but second lover since was once in love with his brother .. Prince Sam Holt. A prince who could make the kingdom peaceful and free to live without fear, a prince who kept his mother name not his father. A man who was killed or so says the rumours.

Prince Lotor Daibazaal, first son born of Zarkon and Collen.

Prince Matthew Holt, the first son born of Sam and Colleen.

Princess Katie Holt, the first daughter born of Sam and Colleen.

But Sam died before his daughter was born and Colleen fully married Zarkon while Katie was only a couple weeks old.

Mathew and Katie Daibazaal who were the half brother and half sister to Prince Lotor, the children of Zarkon and Colleen Daibazaal.

The girl lance once met was the king daughter, she was apart of the problem while the kingdom was falling into despair and held no hope. Why no one smiled or laughed freely like young children did before falling into the depression with their parents.  She was growing up to be one of the future rulers and it showed she was following her step father path not a better one. 

Hate filled lance heart and he couldn't live such a life, as a young teen he caused trouble and fought back the knights and soldiers who caused trouble. He helped those the king men picked on and attacked, taking a couple hits himself.

He ran away from his home when it was clear he wasn't well liked by the king after causing so much trouble.

He was nicknamed the thief known as 'Blue' after all he was always wearing a light blue waste coat and a dark blue shirt with the string loosely tied showing part of his upper chest.  

A great thief that doesn't get caught even when he is an idiot.  

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