The Feeling...

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Ever since I joined the volley ball club I've had this over whelming feeling, and I don't know why. Every time I land a spike it dosnt feel like the feeling when I first joined, and I hate it. Every time Kageyama serves to me that feeling comes back again, and I love it! I don't want it to end, I want that feeling to be with me until the very end. Even if I have to kill someone to do so.


"Hey Kageyama!" I yelled whilst running towards him, then I realise he's with a girl. I quickly stop and hide behind a wall, peering around the corner so I could see what's going on. "Hey, Kageyama?" A girl said in a small and timid voice, "Do you want to go out with me?" As soon as she said that my heart skipped a beat, I started to sweat immensely thinking, "SHIT, IF HE ACCEPTS IT WOULD THE SENSATION GO AWAY? WOULD THE GOOD AND OVER WHELMING FEELING DISAPPEAR?" then Kageyama's voice cuts through my thoughts saying, "Sure, why not?" And from that moment on I had to protect my senpai from getting between me and him. I will do what ever it takes.


I start stalking Kageyama and the girl he is now dating, I wait until they separate from each other. I go up to Kageyama and said "Hey, I think Daichi wants you?" "Uhh ok?" He responds not knowing what's going to happen to his beloved then he starts walking over to the gym and shuts the door behind him. "Hey is it just me or is Kageyama so cute?" She says out loud, that was the last line of defence for this girl. S H E ' S D E A D. I start walking and purposely trip over and I spill a can of coke on her dress. "ARG! REALLY?" She yells in annoyance. "OH IM SO SORRY, I REALLY AM!" I say acting all sad and guilty. "Ugh it's fine, if I'm not back tell Kageyama I'm in the toilets ok?" "Sure thing!" I respond. She starts walking off to the girls bathroom, then the bell goes. She quickly walks into the girls toilets, I look around before following her to the bathroom. I grab a knife from my pocket and wait for her to get out of the stall, I turn the lights off and walk behind her whilst she is washing her hands. "Huh! Who turned off the lights?" She says in a scared tone. I quickly grabbed the knife and stabbed her in the back, the knife went straight through her heart. "Wha-" she quickly coughs up blood then falls to the ground, she looks up and sees me, smiling. I bend down and I look her straight in the eyes saying, "Kageyama is mine and O N L Y mine," She has tears in her eyes then drops her head to the ground, lying still. D E A D.

I went back to class and continued doing my work until I heard a girls high pitched scream, I smile. Knowing that they have found her body.

Yandere Hinata {KageHina}Where stories live. Discover now