Dangerous Love...

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I go to the spot where me and Kageyama practice serving and receiving, I turn the corner and see Kageyama tucked into a little ball crying. I quickly run over to him and ask "What's wrong Kageyama?" He responds with "Haven't you heard? Yuri got stabbed in the girls bathroom..." "Wait, your joking right?" I respond playing dumb. He stands up, grabs me and pins me against the wall yelling whilst tears are overflowing from his eyes, "DO YOU THINK THIS IS A JOKE!? MY GIRLFRIEND JUST DIED HERE! AND DOES IT LOOK LIKE IM JOKING? HUH!" I look down, thinking about the word "Girlfriend".


I look down at Hinata, looking at his face. It has a dead expression on it. I've never seen this expression before, at least not on his face. "Kageyama..." Hinata says with a sirous voice, "Kageyama, was made for me. AND ONLY ME!" I quickly realise I was still pinning Hinata to the wall, so I lowered my arms. I ask "What are you talking about?" "I'm in love with you Kageyama! And I want you all to myself!" I was shocked, I didn't know how to react then Hinata said "I will do anything to make you fall in love with me, even if I have to kill someone to do so..." Hinata is death staring into my soul, my eyes widen. I realised what Hinata was on about and what he did to Yuri. I step away from Hinata knowing he is unstable. "Wh-what did you do!?" I yell at Hinata in confusion and anger. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO YURI?" "I told you, I'll do anything to make you fall in love with me," Hinata responds staring at me with a weird look in his eyes. "HE'S A FUCKING PSYCO!" I thought. I back away even more. He stands up straight saying, "All I want is you, that's all I want, that's all I want, that's all I want..." Hinata continues repeating the same sentence over and over again. I don't know what to do, he isn't even sane anymore, he isn't stable!

"Hinata?" "All I want is you, all I want is you, all I want is you..." he continues repeating that same line over and over again. So I repeat my self, but louder, "HINATA!" Hinata snaps out of it and looks away from his hands and looks up at me, "Huh?-" I quickly bend down and kiss him on the lips lightly, then I stand back whilst blushing. Hinata looks at me and quickly realises what just happened, "HUH!?" he yells whilst blushing immensely. "You said you love me so I kissed you to make you calm down," "B-B-BUT I THOUGHT KAGEYAMA DIDN'T LIKE GUYS?" "Where did you hear that from?" Hinata stays quiet, I hug hinata. Hinata hugs me back whilst smiling. "Hey Kageyama?" "What is it?" "Ummm, do you want to go out with me?" I remain silent then I say "Only if you don't go bad-shit-crazy, ok?" "Just for you Kageyama!" Hinata responds whilst smiling. "But..." Hinata lets go of me and we stop hugging, I look at him. Confused. "What is it?" I respond in confusion. "If anyone try's to get in the way of me and you, I will stop them," "Don't worry, that won't ever happen-" "KAGEYAMA!" A girl with a high pitches voice cuts Kageyama off and is running towards them.

I look over to Hinata... he puts his hands in one of his pockets and has a murderous look in his eye. I put out my arm in front of Hinata. He snaps out of it and looks up at me, I look down at him shaking my head. He looks back at the girl. "What do you want?" I ask the girl. She stops in front of me and says "I LIKE YOU KAGEYAMA!" I quickly look over to Hinata, shit. He quickly grabs the knife and starts to walk towards the girl. She notices him and sees the knife, her eyes widen and stumbles back, falling to the ground. Hinata says in a serious tone, "Kageyama is MINE!" As soon as he said that he swings the knife towards the girl but before he could cut her I grab his arm saying, "HINATA STOP IT!" Hinata notices it and looks up at me, snapping out of the psycho mode he was in. The girl quickly gets up and runs away crying in fear. Hinata starts crying saying whilst hugging me, "I'm sorry Kageyama... I-I just want you to myself..." "I know but you can't just go killing people that like me!" "Would you tell..?" Hinata says in a sad tone. "Tell what?" I respond in confusion. "Would you tell anyone that I did something like this?" I look down at hinata whilst hugging him still, he looks up at me with tears in his eyes. "I wouldn't tell anyone, I promise," Hinata smiles and digs his head into my chest. I nuzzle my face into his hair and said "Let's just go home, ok?"

Yandere Hinata {KageHina}Where stories live. Discover now