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(Kageyama's POV/ Start of school)
Whilst we were getting prepared for school I noticed Hinata's parents aren't home yet, so I ask "Hey, where are your parents?" "Oh, yeah... they are on a trip," After Hinata said that he looked away, like he was hiding something. "Hmm ok..." We started to walk to school then I hear, "HEYYY KAGEYAMA!". It was Vix. Hinata turns around and looks at her with that weird look in his eye again but, he smiles? "Oh its Vix!" He said whilst still having a surprised expression on his face. I can tell he despises her though... "Oh hey Hinata!" As soon as she said that she leans in and kisses Hinata lightly on the lips. Hinata dosnt react and continues acting like his normal self. He says "Let's get to class Kageyama!" "Oh, all right.." I respond in concern. Whilst we walk away I turn my head and look back at Vix, her expression is... she's furious!? I quickly turn back and look down at Hinata. He has an emotionless expression on his face. We turn the corner then suddenly Hinata falls to the ground? "Hey? Hinata!?" Then I realise, Hinata's covering his mouth? It looks like he is holding back laughter? "Hinata?" "I'm heading to the bathroom," he says whilst standing back up. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine!" I look at Hinata with a concerned look. I pat him and respond "Fine then, ill see you at lunch," "Okay!" Hinata responds whilst having a huge grin on his face. We both walk our separate ways.

(Hinata's POV)

I walk to the boys bathroom, "ARGGGGG!" I yell in anger and disgust. I start washing my mouth to get rid of that disgusting moment. I look at the mirror, and I smile... I put one hand over my face, trying to hold back the laughter. "That fucking bitch..." I say under my breath. I start walking back to class.

It's lunch time right now and I'm sitting with Kageyama. I look up at him, he looks back at me and offers me food, "Oh! Don't worry I'm not hungry," "Then why are you looking at me?" He responds in confusion. "Your just really cool... that's all," "I guess your really cute then?" I look up at Kageyama and see that he's blushing a bit, I giggle whilst smiling. Then all of a sudden Vix starts walking over to us. "What's she doing here?" I ask Kageyama. "How would I know?" Vix rushes over and grabs me by my collar! "You fucking dog!" "Huh?-" She quickly tosses me aside and said "Stay out of my fucking way! What does it take for an idiot like you to have a guy like Kageyama!?" I look up at her, dam she's strong...

Kageyama quickly stands up and says, "Hey! Cut it out! This none of your business!" "Is it though? It's funny how your 'innocent' buddy back there hasn't killed me yet?" Kageyama has a surprised look on his face. She turns to me and yells, "Hey! You've had so many opportunities to Kill me so why? WHY HAVENT YOU KILLED ME YET!?" I stand up and look at her. She gets startled and steps back. "Do you think I want to? YOU HAVE BEEN BOTHERING US SO MUCH IT PISSES ME OFF! THE REASON YOUR NOT DEAD YET IS BECAUSE KAGEYAMA TOLD ME NOT TO DO ANYTHING TO YOU!"

Vix dosnt say anything, but she has a scared look on her face. "If it wasn't for him you would be dead where you stand, so could you politely FUCK OFF!" I walk passed her. "Hinata..." "I'm fine," I say whilst interupting Kageyama. I look back at Vix, she falls to her knees. I walk back to Vix, I kneel down saying, "Hey? You don't look so good?" I Give her a slight shove and then she falls to the ground, unconscious.

{sorry its been a while since I've updated this, if you have any feedback (even if its hate) ill take it into consideration! Or any ideas! Thanks for reading!}❤️

Yandere Hinata {KageHina}Where stories live. Discover now