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Bills p.o.v

I really wanted to go camping so I got on silver and went to stans house and knocked on his door and he answered "hey Stan I I was wondering i if you wanted to guh go camping with me " I say " sorry man my parents don't want me to go anywhere today so maybe another day " he says " ok " I say and I get on silver and ride to Ben's place and knock on the door and his mom answered " hi you must be looking for Ben " she says " yeah " I say " well he is at the library " she says and I ride to Richie's house and he was sitting on the front porch " wassup big bill " he says " you up for some c c camping " I say " no I'm grounded for telling one of my classic jokes at the dinner table with guests around wanna here it though " he says " fine but none of your jokes are classic " I say not stuttering " would you rather eat a baby goat or a matta baby " he says " what's a matta baby " I say confused " nothing what's the matter with you " he says laughing " I I'm a away " I say riding away to Eddie's place and knock on the door and he answers " hey Eddie I I was w wondering if you wanted to go camping with me " I say " umm I'll ask mom " he says and he goes and asks his mom and he comes back saying "my mom says no but you could ask one of the other losers " he says " oh ok " I say and I ride to Mike's place and drop my bike and knock on his door and his Grandpa answers " hey I'm buh bill denbrough and I was w wondering i if muh Mike was up for camping " i say " I would let him but he has work to do " he says and shuts on the door and I get on my bike and I realized that there was one loser left and it was Beverly I remember that I had a huge crush on her and I ride to her house and while I was riding to her house I bumped into the Bowers gang and Henry says " oh look who we have here stuttering bill denbrough without his losers " he says " g go a away b Bowers I I'm g g g going t t to buh Beverly's " I stutter shoot " I I'm g g going t t to buh Beverly's haha the slut " he says mimicking me " she is not a slut no let me go " I say without stuttering and he lets me go " remember she'll do you " shouting Henry and I ride to Bev's house and knock on her door and she answers "hey Bev I was wondering if you wanted to go camping " I say without stuttering " yeah sure if my aunt says so " she says and she asks her aunt and comes back " my aunt says ok but I'll need to pack " she says " umm okay sh should I help you p pack " I say " shouldn't you get packing too I'll meet you in the woods in half in hour " she says and I ride back to my house and get the tent and my stuff ready and I bring some snacks and then me and Beverly found a spot and we built the tent and I found logs for a fire and she grabbed her cigarette lighter and lit a fire and we cooked the sausages and marshmallows and we got our sleeping bags out and we got in the tent and then we felt the tent shaking and I checked bit out and my hair almost immediately flew about and also nothing was there so I went back inside and told her " nothing's there just the w wind " I say " okay Billy " she says rubbing my cheek and we both leaned in and kissed " I I I a a am s s so sor-" she cuts me off " it's okay " she says and we both fell asleep

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