I love you bev

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Beverlys p.o.v

I am In love with two boys ben hanscom and bill denbrough for different reasons 

ben for when he wrote me the poem and saved me from the deadlights 

bill for making me feel safe every time he cuddles me and his adorable stutter 

so  I asked Richie about what I should do and he suggests that he throws a get together with alcohol and I pretend that im drunk and then see who loves me more

( that  night ) 

so all the losers apart from ben show up 

beverlys p.o.v 

so ben finally shows up with a girl and the he kisses her right in front of everybody and that hurt me and I whisper " Richie im not doing the thing anymore " to Richie he just nods ad I realise the girl who ben brought was Julia Anderson she was oe of gretas sluts and then I run away to the back 

bills p.o.v 

Beverly ran off so I followed her to catch her crying in the back yard so I walk up behind her and sit next to her " bev is e everything ok " I now have my stutter under  control " not really  " Beverly says " whats wrong "  I say " its just that ben started dating a girl that calls me a slut and he might be madly in love with her " Beverly says " pay o a attention to it because me Richie eddie Stanley or mike would never  date anyone that called you a slut I fact Richie and eddie  are probably secretly dating and mike and stan are gay too and " I almost said that I love her

Beverly's p.o.v   

why is bill so frickin nice I was upset but now im  happy but what else does he have to say " and" I say out of curiosity "  f for a long t t  time now ive b been meaning to s say this that I l like you its o ok if y you don't feel the same" billy says then it hit me so I decided to hug him from the side and I admitted " I like you like that billy aswell " 

bills p.o.v

what she likes me aswell and she hugged my side and I put my arm around her and I said " I love you bev " I say  " I love you to billy " she says and she kisses me on the lips 

richies p.o.v 

so bill and bev are taking so long they may be getting married or child making so I walk to my back yard and see them on the step making out " guys stop makig out in my step " I say " beep beep Richie " they both say and they get up and they walk up to me And we go to the living room to enjoy the rest of the night

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