I feel like a jerk

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  Beverly ran to her apartment crying 

" Beverly I can explain " he yells 

" go away ben " she screams 

and an hour  of crying later she heard a gentle knock 

" buh Beverly is everything alright in there " a voice said 

and bev opened the door with tears in her eyes 

it was the man she used to love and still loves 

bill denbrough 

and she drags him in and cries into his chest 

and says 

" im sorry that I left you for that jerk " 

" it was your choice " he says 

" i feel like a jerk " she says 

" y your not a jerk " he says 

and she lifts her head up and their noses touch and their lips connect and they pull apart 

" i love you " they both say 

sorry that sounds like a poem well it sounds like one I my head I might use that for poetry class 

If I took poetry

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