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Beverly's p.o.v

I am walking down the terrible school halls for the last time because I know I've had enough of living like this Bowers and his Goonies and Gretta and her sluts and my father until bill came up to me " hey Beverly I I was wondering if I could co come over later to huh hangout " he says " sure " I say knowing he is gonna see my dead body in the bathroom  and I walk home and get my tools ready

Bills p.o.v

I went to Beverly's house a
And the front door was open and then I hear her crying and then I run upstairs and her bedroom door was also open and I open her bathroom door and see what she was about to do to herself " BEVERLY NO "   I yell and she drops the knife and breaks down and I pick her up from the floor  and take her to the bed " beverly why would you d do that " I say gentally " I don't deserve to live " she says  and that just broke my heart and then I said " you do deserve to b be I in this world bevy " I say wiping her tears " there are only two people who care about me you and my aunt everyone else dosent " she says " what a about the losers " I say pulling her in for a hug " well Ben ignores me for some reason and threatened the losers too " beverly says and I knew what I had too do " beverly I know who you really are your not any of the words they call you so stop believing them " I say without stuttering and Bev lifted her head and puts her hands on both of my cheeks and Yanks my face gently in for a kiss and I kiss back and we pull apart for air and I pull her back in for another kiss and she smiled into the kiss and we pulled apart again and we laid on her bed and both fell asleep

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