in love with my bully

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(billverly where Bev is the bully and popular not slut shamed and bill is the nerd and geek also Richie , Eddie ,stanly, Ben, and Mike are with bill cause. Bev is bills biggest fear but he  is still in love with her and now he gets a shock from her )

Bills p.o.v

I walk into school and there she was with her boyfriend Henry Bowers and Greta and her girls all hanging out at her locker untill I get pulled back " I I i have nothing I s s s swear " I say and nearly start to cry " oh come on it's me Richie tozier your friend " Richie says " oh s s sorry " bill says " have you seen the other losers " bill says " there all sick " Richie says " HAY DENBROUGH MEET ME IN THE JANITORS CLOSET NOW "  beverly yells two him

Bev's p.o.v

" I I I will be back in a few muh muh minutes " bill says and nervously walks near me and when we get to the closet I shove him in hiding to my friends that I like him and I walk in
" What do yuh you want " bill says " to ask you a question " I say " oh ok " bill says " umm I Know this is gonna be weird but since that day of the school play in third grade I liked you " I say "w what " he says " stutter boy I like you I mean love you " I say

Bill's p.o.v

She loves me and then she kisses me and I kiss back " now don't tell Henry that I did that " she says " o ok buh buh Bev " I say and I kiss her one more time

Im in love with beverly marsh

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