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Bill is scared to tell beverly his feelings so he starts ignoring her

Bev's p.o.v

" Hey Billy " I say and he just walks off okay then he maybe just want to get to class early

Bills p.o.v

I started ignoring beverly because I like her but I don't wanna tell her so I walked to the classroom and get out my book and study for 5 minutes until  ben came in " hey bill " he says
" H hey Ben " I say " so you came in early today " he says " yeah " I say " hey boys " beverly says " hi beverly " Ben says I just wave and then she sits beside Ben and Richie and Eddie come in " hey big bill " Richie says " RICHIE DO YOU EVER THE THE FRICK UP "  Eddie yells " hey reddie and Ed  eddie no need to shout " I say and they sat down together and I turn to see that beverly gave me a dirty look and then Stan came and Said to me " hey bill this seat taken "  " n no  " I say and he sits next to me " thanks  bill it saved me from sitting next to Greta or Bowers " Stan says " n no problem " I say

Beverly's p.o.v

I started noticing that bill never wants to speak to me but  he speaks to the other losers 

Later on

So I was going home now and said "bye Billy " he still doesn't answer I get annoyed " BILL WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU WHY WON'T YOU SPEAK TO ME BUT YOU SPEAK TO THE OTHER LOSERS TELL ME WHY IS IT SOMETHING I DID JUST TELL ME "   I yell in the middle of school and then he answers " BEVERLY TH THE ONLY REASON I I DO NOT SPEAK TO YOU ANYMORE IS BECAUSE IM S SCARED " bill yells " OF WHAT " I yell " T TELLING YOU THAT I LOVE YOU " he yells and runs away crying I went far shoot so I run after him and pull him into a kiss and pull apart " I love you too Billy and I'm sorry that I yelled " I say while being wrapped up in his arms " oh my God the slut found a new man to pleasure her for a few weeks or a month " Greta says walking past us " it's okay bev beverly I'm sorry to for yelling and ignoring you " bill says  " so we're dating now " I say " only if y you want too " bill says " of course I do " I say and we start to lean in and then Richie yelled " BILL AND BEV SITTING IN A TREE K I S S I N G ".  " Oh shut  up Richie " Eddie says dragging him away and we lean in one more time and kiss this time

This oneshot was requested by ChrisBall167 thank you so much for the idea and if anybody has any ideas drop them in the comments

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