hot tub

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Based on the losers in a fancy hotel and they get a gigantic hot tub together

Bills p.o.v

So Richie invited me , Eddie , Ben , stanley , beverly and Mike to this fancy hotel and he rented a hot tub and we had to get trunks on not our underwear and beverly wore a one piece swimsuit

What they wore



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Bills p

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Bills p.o.v

So we all went in the hot tub and Richie started splashing us al until Beverly and eddie nearly  drowned in the hot tub but I saved Beverly and Stanley saved eddie " big bill you up for a contest " Richie says " what contest " I say " who can stay underwater the longest " Richie says " fine whos on my side " I say " I am " Beverly says " im on richies " ben says " richies " eddie says since Richie and eddie are in love with eachother " bills " stanle says " bills ofc " mike says and then me and Richie breathe in one last time and we put our head underwater with our eyes closed but right away Richie sprung up forgetting that his glasses were " bill denbrough wins " Beverly says and then I spring up gasping for air  "you ok Billy " Bev says " yep " I say wiping my eyes and then Eddie , Ben , Stanley , Richie and Mike left so it was only me and beverly and since we both are dating in secret she decides to hug me I hug back and when the losers are fully gone I peck her lips and then we get out

Guys plz give me ideas

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