he is not the one for you

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bev walked in to her and bens apartment with the food shopping and she put them away " ben im home " she said thinking ben would be happy but she heard loud footsteps and ben woke up " sorry if I woke you "  Beverly says and ben walks in " how dare you interrupt me during my reading " ben says angrily " im sorry ben I was just telling you I was home " Beverly says back " do not answer me back " ben says and then throws a punch at Beverly she and ran up the room and ben held her against the bed and bet her up and she was left crying so she got up and went out to the door " where are you going " ben says " oh just to bills " bev says and walks out the door 

bills p.o.v 

so i was busy drawing Beverly again even though   she chose ben im happy as long as shes happy but I still love her and I heard a knock so I run to the door of my apartment and I open it to Beverly " hi b Beverly " I say " hi bill " Beverly says and she walks in and I close the door and we walk into the living room and she says " bill say if you and I were dating and I accidently interrupt you doing something what would you do "  " be happy that your home " I say " oh ok " she says " why d did ben do something " I say starting to get worried " no I was just w wondering " she stuttered like I always do mine is annoying hers is adorable " I kinda have to get home before ben gets worried " she said " okay bye Beverly " I say " bye billy " she says its so adorable when she calls me that 

beverlys p.o.v 

so i get home and walk in " ben im home " I say " come upstairs " he yells to me " coming ben " I say and walk upstairs and to our bedroom " yes benny " yes I now gave ben a pet name but billys is cuter " why did you leave earlier to bills " he says " because I needed a break from you " I say " what did you just say " ben says " because I needed a break from you " I say and he beats me up again i need to tell someone eddie will freak out Stanley will not have a clue of what to do Richie would take him to court and mess up like always mike would tell his granpa I think bill would protect me so I will tell bill tomorrow 

( the next day ) 

so Beverly woke up late like always but on the wooden floor but she got up put on a blue sweater and black leggings and she walked into the kitchen and ate an orange and walked out the door and went to bills apartment and knocked on the door and he opened it " oh hey Beverly " he says with a loving smile " hi bill theres something I want to tell you " she says " okay you can t tell me anything you know " he says and they walk in and close the door " so what is it " bill says " so yesterday we ran out of food so I went to the store and I went home and called him down to say I was home and he came down in the biggest mood and he told me I interrupted him I said I was sorry and didn't know but then he " bev cut herself of by starting to tear up " hey its okay tell me " bill says rubbing her back "he bet me up and then I tried to tell you yesterday but I couldn't and when I went back home last night he bet me up again " Beverly says and bill lost it

and him and Beverly walked over to her and bens apartment and bev opened the apartment door

beverlys p.o.v

" ben Im home " I say while bill is behind with one my hands in his " go away Beverly and stop interrupting my reading " ben yells down to her and stomps downstairs and seen bill there " why is bill here " ben says speaking as if bill wasn't there " he wanted to come over " I say " well he cant now bill get out " ben says thinking bill is soft " no ben "  he says  squeezing my hand " oh really " ben says pushing me into bill almost knocking me over because bill helped me up " ben I never thought id say it until now im breaking up with you "  I say and I drag bill upstairs and I pack all my clothes because I think I might get another apartment until bill said " do you wanna stay at mine until you get a new place " bill says " thanks " I say then I thought why is bill so god damn nice and we go  to his apartment it was big and he helped me bring my things up to his room and after I put the last of my  things down mr michievious decided to lift me up and throw me gently on the bed     and got on top of me and looked at me and started leaning in and he kissed me and he pulled back saying " im so sorry Beverly " he says  feeling ashamed " its okay billy by the way I enjoyed it "  I say and kissed me again and I kissed back " Beverly I love you please will you be my girlfriend " billy says " billy I love you too and yes I will be your girlfriend " I say and I feel his lips on mine and I kiss back and we kiss for about 14 seconds before he rolls over and looks at me for a few seconds before falling asleep and then I feel hands around my waist it was bill cuddling me and I fell asleep 

This was requested by ChrisBall167

Thanks. For the reads I'm so grateful

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