What If?

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    My mom came to pick me up, Conner got suspended, Eli was going home too and we just

waited for them. "Thank you for trying to help me, " Eli said sadly, I looked at him, he had a 

bruise on his cheekbone and it looked like his eye was gonna swell but a nice ice pack would do


"Of, course I've always got your back," I said to him and reached for his hand to hold.

"What do you think he was gonna try and do to you? Especially in front of everyone," Eli said 

with a hurt voice looking straight ahead, still holding my hand, he seemed to be getting 

emotional, but tried not to show it. Honestly I got emotional too.

"I don't know, but I'm glad nothing happened," I said and then I took my other hand and placed 

it on Eli's cheek for him to look at me "I'm glad you're okay," I said then a tear went down his 

cheek and my eyes started to water. Noah came out of Byers's room and saw us in a moment but

 we broke the second he closed the door.

"Hey, he is sending me back to class, I hope you're doing okay Eli" Noah said as he walked in 

front of us.

"Uh yeah it just stings a little, I'll be fine" Eli said. Soon Noah's attention turned to me, I stood up

 where it's not awkward where I'm just sitting and he's just hovering because he is tall.

"Jasmine" he said in a soft tone voice whisper like and looked at me with a sad looking face. 

Before he could say anything else I pull him into an embrace

"Thank you so much," I said in a soft voice too.

"Anytime," Noah said back. Being in his arms felt warm and safe, I think he felt the same too 

because he did not let go.

"Jasmine," I heard my mother's voice and pulled away from Noah

"Mom," I said as I rushed into her embrace then came in Eli's mother. She rushed to Eli and saw his face.

"Omg Eli," her expression turned from worried to anger and she then turned to my mom "Lets 

go,Lily,'' she said and mom agreed and they both marched into Byers's office and slammed the 

door behind them.

"Oh dear," I said as I shook my head and sat right back down because I knew it was gonna be a 

while, Eli knew too.

"I'll see you guys later okay" Noah said, so we both waved goodbye and Noah gave me one last look before he walked away.

"I see what your talking about," Eli said, I turned to look to him

"What," I said.

"The way he looks at you. It is definitely different, let's just hope it's just a look and doesn't turn

 to something more," Eli said. definitely right. I hope it's not something, I don't want no one 

getting hurt.

"He just cares about me. We care about each other," I said and then we were interrupted by loud 

yells from our moms. We heard



"WHAT KIND OF SCHOOL IS THIS," Eli and I just had to sit through the yelling. They finally 

finished and marched out of the office. Eli and I stood up and gave each other a huge hug before

 our mothers told us it was time to go," Lets go Jasmine" mom said in a tone of voice while she 

just marched passed and out the door. I looked back at Eli and walked out.

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