Ordinary Therapy

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You woke up to a force pushing you back and gasped. Your (e/c) eyes snapped open and saw Akito sitting straight up in bed, eyes alert and angry.

"What do you think you're doing?!" His voice was hoarse and accusing.

You sighed, bringing the back of your hand up to rub the sleep from your eyes. "I was sleeping."

"No! You were holding me." He leered.

You rolled your eyes and flopped back down on your soft pillow. "Actually I think you were holding me last night."

You couldn't help the smirk on your face so you turned your head to bury it in the soft fabric, denying him the satisfaction of seeing your pleasure. Akito scoffed and folded his arms across his chest. "Well why didn't you push me away?"

You rolled over so you could see his face again and raised an eyebrow. "Did you want me to push you away?"

When Akito said nothing, and his face had softened ever-so-slightly, you patted his pillow beside you. He made no move and you finally sat up, unbraiding your hair.

"How can you be so argumentative before breakfast?"

"How can you be so irritating?" He retorted, and it was like it struck a crack in your confidence, your peace. You shook your hair out, staring down at your blanket, avoiding his eyes. You heard a frustrated sound come from the man.
"That wasn't what I meant."

Your eyes drifted up to land on his pale contorted face. "I meant.. I meant.." He looked up to you and you saw how desperate he was to apologize for the small wound he'd given you. "I meant how can you be so beau--"

A knock on the door.

Damn it ran through both of your minds.

"Master Akito, Hatori has come to visit. He's asking for Ms. (L/n)."

You leapt up, your head stopped by the roof of your blanket fort and Akito didn't even try to stop his snicker. You rushed out of the room you'd created and stood up straight, smoothing down your hair. Akito's smirk was plain as he crawled on all fours to meet you outside of the tent. He stared up at you and offered in a near whisper,
"You know they can't come in until I say so."

You smiled and shrugged, offering your hand in aid. He took it and guided himself up to your level. Akito turned his face to look at you and you blushed, staring back impatiently. "Well." You said.


"Say so." You laughed, face falling slightly closer to his. You remembered how soft his hair felt in your hands, how warm he'd felt pressed against you. You wrung your hands together nervously as his smile grew wider and more devious. Again, you directed your attention to the thin door and brushed a lock of hair behind your ear.

Akito took his fist and shook it against the top of your head, causing frizz from the friction. You scoffed, offended, and flinched away from him, smoothing your hair back down.

"Come in~!" He called, his hand following you and continuing to make a mess of your once neat hair.
The pair of you laughed until the door slid open and you saw Hatori.

"Stop." You whispered and stood up straight.

Akito's breathing was short from the giggles he'd released and he tried to cover it with tight lips. He even hid his hand behind his back like a child. Hatori's eyes were wide as he looked between the two of you and the sagging blanket fort. He seemed to not know what to say, so you explained for him quickly.

"Just a little fun..."

You saw O-Ren's shocked expression next to Hatori and fiddled with the hem of your shirt. "I'm going to clean it all up, don't worry."

The silence was heavy and you felt like you had committed a crime, despite having one of the best innocent nights in a long time. Suddenly, Akito gripped your forearm, and though it was loose, you understood he did not want you to move. You saw that his expression was icy once again, particularly directed to Hatori, and you furrowed your brows at him.

"Are you here to take her away?" He spat.

Hatori's expression hardened when he saw Akito's grip, but softened at his words. He looked at you, silently asking if you were okay and you gave the slightest nod in return. "Just to borrow her, Akito.. May I?"

The beautiful boy's hand began to squeeze around you and you rested your free hand atop his. His eyes refused to leave the suspicious pair at the door. "Akito," you mumbled. "It's okay.. I'll be back later, alright?"

His grip loosened, and you whispered, "I promise." Finally he dropped your arm completely and turned away.

You felt bad, like you should say something else, but words didn't appear to be helping Akito right now. You crossed the room to Hatori who guided you out of the house with an arm around your back. What's going on? Why is he being like this? What did Akito mean, 'take her away'.

As soon as you stepped out into the blinding sunlight, you stepped away from Hatori and turned to face him.

"What was that in there?"

Hatori sighed gently. "(Y/n), I was worried about you." Your expression softened, but you were still confused.

"You know he hasn't hurt me since that first night."

"Physically? That's not the only kind of pain there is, (Y/n), you know that better than anyone... You never returned home last night, and I got a call from O-Ren at 10 this morning saying you were still there."

You blushed. What time is it?

"I tried calling you several times, but it went straight to voicemail. What else did you expect me to do?"

"Hatori," you started, "I'm sorry, I really am. My phone must have died last night but nothing bad happened.!"

You approached him again and grabbed his large hand to apologize. Though you still did not understand the instant defense Akito put up around this sweet man, you decided now, when you still had morning breath, was not the time to discuss it. You only hoped Hatori had forgiven you and you could go back to being his loveable sidekick.

Hatori moved his hand up to your jaw and guided you slowly to meet his eyes. "I trust you. I just don't want you to be hurt again."

You nodded into his hand and smiled contentedly. Hatori truly was one of the greatest men you'd ever met. Suddenly, a nearby bird chirped to break the silence and sent an image to your brain. It was a younger Hatori, and he spoke the same words as he had just a moment before. You furrowed your brows and pulled his hand away from your face. The memory disappeared.

"So you said nothing bad happened..." Hatori began moving forward, leading the way back to your home, your hand still holding his. You nodded, still trying to focus your mind back to that vision.

"Does that mean something good happened?"

His voice was playful and you scoffed, an instant blush overwhelming you. You squeezed his hand as punishment for his implications. He chuckled and dropped your hand, smoothing down the part of frizz you'd missed from Akito's early teasing. You shoved him gently, laughing back.

"No. Just an ordinary therapy session."

It hadn't been, as you both knew. Whatever was happening between you and Akito was far from professional. It felt dangerous and freeing all at the same time. Getting close to Akito was like playing with fire.
He was an open flame, dangerous and beautiful, and burning quickly.
You can never hold on to fire; only love it in the moment it's there.

You were beginning to fear the end despite this only being the beginning.

But he had called you beautiful. You knew he had. Perhaps to him, you were his flame.

**A/n: I don't like it 😂. Just a filler chapter I guess, (isn't that what fanfiction is?), But the next chapter should have a little more meat on it. Thanks a bunch.

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