First Date

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You stood outside of Akito's home, waiting for him. The door slid open and you saw him standing tall and proud, clad in a pair of dress trousers and a gray sweater. He looked seriously out across the village, perhaps checking for spying family members, before his gray eyes landed on your form and softened. A small, genuine smile grew on his lip before it morphed into a smirk and he closed his eyes. 

"Suppose you were just going to stand here forever? My little lost dog." He kept his eyes closed and smile cocky as he approached you. You scoffed internally before taking a step back. Akito opened his eyes when he reached for where your hand had been and couldn't find it. "What's wrong?"

You shook your head, feeling unsure now about the date. "Not a dog."

Akito rolled his eyes up quickly before he sighed out a, "Well then what are you?"

You paused, searching his eyes for the innocence you'd seen earlier. It had to be in there somewhere. Maybe you could regain it on the date. 

"I'm a (zodiac sign)." You tilted your chin upwards in pride. 

Akito smiled and grabbed your hand in his. "And against all odds, I still want to date you." Before you could object to his rudeness, he began to pull you along to the exit of the Sohma village. "Now where are we going?" 

You quirked your head a bit, suddenly self-conscious of your venue choice. What if he doesn't like coffee? "Um, I haven't had much time to explore the town because I've been at a certain someone's beck and call since I moved here... So it's this little place Ritsu showed me. It's a coffee shop but they also ha-"

"Ritsu took you there?" 

You narrowed your brows and shrugged the arm that Akito wasn't holding. "Yeah, a while ago. It was a happy accident. Anyway, it was either the cafe or Shigure's, and I'm fairly certain you got enough of him last night."

"Ugh." Akito grumbled as you walked past the gates. "He's still here, sleeping in Hatori's place. All those brothers rushed over here like something big happened. Now THERE'S a lost dog." 

You led the boy down the correct path and watched him out of the corners of your eyes. 

"Just like a dog, always barking and running around. You know those three are supposed to be the closest to me?.. Supposedly they raced to my mother's stomach crying because, before I was even born, they knew I was a God. And they hated me for it." You slowly shook your head but continued listening. "They can't wait for the curse to be broken. To leave for good."

You wanted to ask him things, but you stopped yourself. This isn't a therapy session. This is a date. Be romantic. 

You gave his hand a squeeze and even leaned into his arm, to which he only responded with a half-shocked, half-offended look. You cuddled his arm in spite of this. "Well I can't wait for something warm. It's already chilly out." 

Akito raised a brow, smirk returning. "We can go back to my place and get something warm." His tone sounded suggestive but you shook your head in disappointment. Bad joke.

"We're going to get a nice coffee and be around people, so I can show you off to someone that isn't a member of your family."

When you arrived in the shop, Akito hid behind you like a nervous child, and you squeezed his hand. He nodded at you and you approached the counter. 

"(Your order), and a plain black coffee please."

"(Your order)?.." The server repeated suspiciously, eyes scanning over your face. "Name for that?"

You paused a bit, looking over her as well. "(Y/n).." 

"Oh my God I knew it was you!" The barista called, drawing the attention of her coworkers and a couple nearby patrons. You looked down to her name-tag and the revelation made your jaw drop. "Alina?!"

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