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You walked back to the village and felt the nerves grow stronger with every step you made. You weren't the only one feeling it, you realized. Akito's grip tightened and his palm perspired against yours. You squeezed his hand back and took a deep breath. I shouldn't be nervous. Everyone has been nothing but kind to me. But not Akito. They fear their God, and he fears them right back. 

Maybe being connected to him like this has connotations I hadn't considered. Will they see me too as a God? Someone trying to be higher than them, control them? Unwarranted fear, undeserved devotion? You wondered if it was worth it for a moment, your pace slowing against your will. Akito stopped completely and turned to look at you, taking your other hand. 

"Do you really want this?" He asked. "Do you really want me?"

You sighed through your smile, admiring his eyes. The innocence, the sincerity of the question, touched your heart in a way that erased any doubt from your mind. It was dangerous how much one look from your love could change. "In every way." You answered simply. 

Akito got the biggest, brightest smile you'd ever seen on a grown man and you couldn't help but giggle. He kissed your temple and pulled you into his side as he continued to walk past the gates. You started to move your feet in a different direction from Akito and he looked down a the distance you'd created. He looked back up at you with a question in his eyes. 

"I gotta go check on Hatori. I do still work for him, you know.."

Akito rolled his eyes and began to walk back in the direction of his house, tugging at your arm. "Actually you work for me." He corrected.

You raised your brows in defiance and stood your ground. "Do I though?"

"You do." 

"Well then I'm taking my break, boss. I wanna go catch up with Hari."

You both still held each other at your hands but pulled in opposite directions. "Ugh, but we have urgent matters to attend to in my bedroom, (Y/n)!" He murmured the last part. You dropped your brows a bit and stopped pulling. 

"I quit." 

Akito scoffed but you caught his smile in your sights as he relinquished pulling as well. "You can't quit. You're fired." 

You stuck your tongue out at him and gave his hand one more squeeze. "Come on, (Y/n), people are looking."

People were not looking. He was paranoid. And just as stubborn as you. "You can go back to your room, and I'll join you later. You have to trust that or this won't work." He got closer to you and rolled his eyes a bit. "I do trust you. I just want to be with you."

You knew it was an unhealthy desire to want to be with someone all day every day, but you also knew that you were feeling the same sort of clinginess Akito was experiencing. Young love

"Then you can come with me to Hatori's office for a bit. Whatever you choose isn't going to change how I feel about you... But if you come with me you can pick out a lollipop."

Akito shuffled his feet closer to you and then in the direction of Hatori's office as you smiled. When you reached Hatori's place, you were pleasantly surprised to see Momiji swinging his legs atop the man's desk, but the man you were looking for was missing. The boy gasped and jumped off of the table, standing on the tips of his shoes in excitement when he saw you. 

"Is it true! Is it?!" He ran a couple steps toward you and only then seemed to realize Akito standing beside you. Momiji stopped short and put his arms behind his back. "Are you guys really dating?" 

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