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A beam of sunlight peeked through a divide in the sheets above you, and made your close your eyes tighter. You groaned a tired protest and rolled over, only to have a hand slap down on your face. You winced and were fully awake to realize that the hand belonged to Akito, who had only just turned towards you. You sat up instantly, instinctively holding the cheek he had hit. It was more of a shock than a pain, and you realized the heat around the area rose from your nerves.

This is the second time I've slept with him.. Jesus, I told him I love him and we haven't even been on one date. I do love him.. but perhaps I shouldn't have said anything. I should have waited. Perhaps it means less since it was in the heat of the moment.. Perhaps he's forgotten all about it.

You sighed softly staring down at the shifting boy.

Not bloody likely. I'm the one who forgets, remember (Y/n).

Before you could finish one of your infamous sessions of overthinking, Akito's eyes opened. He scrunched up his face a bit and looked you up and down.

In a tired voice that sent butterflies to your chest, he asked, "Did I push you away again?"

You felt nervous around him for the first time; a good kind of nervous. You chuckled and lowered your hand from your face. "Something like that.. It was an accident, don't worry about it." You sank down to lay beside him and he narrowed his brows.

"You know I would never mean to hurt you, right?"

You paused, but nodded nonetheless.
"Most people don't mean to hurt anyone... They just do." You shook your head a bit, dismissing your thoughts. "But that's not what happened here. It was an accident." You smiled and brought his hand to your cheek gently.

Akito raised an eyebrow and tried to resist smirking. "Maybe it was something subconscious. Like a payback for leaving last night, I tend not to be the most rational person y'know--"

"Hey, aren't I supposed to be the one playing therapist?"

"Does that make me the irresistible patient?" His sly smirk almost brought on your own, but you bit your lip.

"Irresistible?? Watch. See how I'm resisting you.?" You sat up, crossing your arms.

"Oh my God, you want me so bad-" he joked, cutting himself off with his own laughter.
"Look at you you're already about to break!"

"Uh, no." You argued, holding firm. "You're the sicko that fell in love with his shrink."

He scoffed, sitting up across from you. "Who said anything about love? Oh right, that was you."

You couldn't help the embarrassed smile. "You said it with your eyes plenty of times."

"That doesn't count."

"Alright so say it."

He smirked, looking from your eyes to your upturned mouth. "What, just like that? I think you'll at least have to buy me dinner first."

You bit your lip, happy that he brought up the perfect segway to what you were concerned about: what are we?

"How about brunch?" You said, dropping your arms from your chest, and searching his face for an answer. You saw his cocky smirk fall and a subtle pink rise to his cheeks. You had caught him off guard.

"What, outside?"
You giggled at his reaction and shrugged.
"With me?"
You nodded and blushed yourself.
"On a real date?" His eyes dropped down and he toyed with his fingers.

Heal Me (Akito Sohma Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now