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Akito's smile was bright and innocent and it caused a small whimper in your throat at how adorable he looked. How close his mouth was to yours. You knew if you kissed him now he'd kiss you back, and a chill ran up your spine at the thought of what might happen after. Suddenly Hatori swung into the room, announcing that Shigure had just arrived. When he saw the situation, you still straddling the apparently naked boy in the bath, Hatori backtracked, slapping a hand over his eyes and retreating behind the wall.

"Yup. Didn't need to see that one..." He said. You listened as his footsteps grew distant. "Sometimes I wish I could erase my own memories.."

The pair of you burst into a fit of giggles and your head sank down to the water, your laughter causing bubbles to spring up near his chest. It only added to the comical state you were in and Akito pulled you back up by your hair, stuttering through laughter "You're gonna drown!"

You sighed a breath to calm yourself, but your cheeks still hurt from smiling. Looking into his eyes, you leaned down and nuzzled his nose with your own.

"Come on.. We're gonna catch a cold like this." You raised up out of the water, only for Akito's hands to lock around your hips and keep you planted.

"Are you sure, I thought things were just heating up."

Your eyes said death but your smirk said not now. Akito released you with an eye roll and watched you get out of the tub.

"Yes, doctor."

"Not a doctor." You corrected, wrapping the large fluffy towel around yourself.

"Then why do I feel healed around you?"

Your head whipped around and you looked at the dripping wet boy, standing there waiting for his stolen towel, honesty present in his whole being. You smiled and offered it to him.
"Placebos." You winked.

You turned around but only a second later were engulfed in another hug from Akito, this time his cool chest pressed against your back a stark contrast to the warm towel around you both. "You do remember that night, don't you.." he whispered so close to your ear. "You remember not bowing.. Not understanding why.. I looked at you, a girl I thought had forgotten me, and I knew that it would always be like that..." He rested his chin on your shoulder and you relaxed back into him. "I knew that it would be the two of us, forever, standing together in a world of people who bowed."

You sighed and twisted so you could face him.
"Not everyone who bowed is against you, Akito. Against us.. Speaking of which, Shigure drove all the way here in the middle of a rainstorm to see you. Let's go see him." Akito groaned and released you from the towel.

You changed into one of his robes and lingered in his room for a bit, listening through the wall as Akito and Shigure spoke.

"I heard it. I heard the snap. I could hear it bending for so many years and I finally heard something break. It was the curse wasn't it? We're free?"

Hatori spoke instead of Akito. "Not in the sense we dreamed of, brother... But things are certainly going to be different after tonight."

There was such a long pause that you even put your ear to the door. "Yes.. well.. Anyways, maybe you understand, Hari, but it was like that night.. that night over 20 years ago, my God.." he mumbled. "No offense to you, Akito. Where we all woke up, and we knew, we were drawn to Ren.. Her stomach. It held the new God, and the curse drew us to worship it."

At this, you grew worried for Akito's reaction, so you slid open the door and acted like you hadn't been listening.

"I was just drawn here.." Shigure concluded before noticing you. His face lit up. "(Y/n)! Of course you're our little curse snapper!"

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