Chapter 2

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The picture is Tom Riddle.



I lay in the Headmaster's office, and it was so familiar I felt as if I hadn't moved an inch.

Standing up, I brushed off the dirt from the floor and tried my best to look somewhat presentable. I heard a click at the door and an unfamiliar man strolled in, looking quite vague. He jumped at the sight of a 16-year-old girl he didn't know standing in his office.

"Ah! You must be the transfer from Beauxbatons, yes?" I nodded. "What was your name again?"

"Um... Hermione Gr - I mean, Hermione Argentum."

He scribbled the name down on a piece of paper which he then absentmindedly threw in the bin.

Congratulations, sir.

"Excellent! Now it is time for your Sorting!"

The Sorting Hat dropped over my head and immediately began musing.

“Hmmm…let’s see…ah, of course, you are kind, but I suspect Hufflepuff is not for you…you also have plenty of intelligence…you’d do well in Ravenclaw…but I don’t know if that would suit you properly either…ah, you’re a difficult one…you are brave, too…very brave…I suspect you would do even better in Gryffindor…but I don’t know if that’s quite right either…but you also have a mission and a strong desire to succeed, oh yes…such a strong desire to succeed, in fact, that you would best be put in…SLYTHERIN!”

I just sat there, stunned.

Me, a Slytherin?

I expected Gryffindor and would have accepted Ravenclaw…but Slytherin?

“Ah, excellent!” Dippet exclaimed. “But, dear me, how rare! You are a Hatstall!”

“What?” I exclaimed. “How long did the Hat take?”

He glanced at a clock in the room. “Six minutes and fourteen seconds, precisely. Now, I must take you to your Common Room to meet your fellow Slytherins!”

He led me down to the dungeons. We turned corners and I tried to remember the way, but I was having difficulty.

Finally, we entered the Common Room after Dippet said the password.

“Students, meet Hermione Argentum! She is a sixth-year who has just transferred from Beauxbatons! She has just been Sorted into Slytherin!” he announced to the group.

Most of the people who actually looked up appeared to be sixth-years.

I jumped when one girl looked up who looked exactly like Pansy Parkinson.

But this was the past, I reminded myself. This was probably Parkinson’s grandmother.

“Hermione,” Dippet continued, and I turned back to him, “meet the Prefects from your year. This is Narcissa Nott and this is Tom Riddle.”

He indicated a tall, blond girl and a pale-skinned boy with black hair.

Tom Riddle was a Prefect?

Of course he was.

I was surprised but pleased to see that Parkinson’s ancestor wasn’t a Prefect.

Tom Riddle was exactly the person I needed to get to know.

Get to know, and convince not to kill Harry Potter.

I definitely had some acting to do.


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