Chapter 8

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Narcissa Nott is Chloë Moretz!

This is the last chapter in Tom’s time.

I’m not telling you any more than that…

And I’m sorry for all these really short chapters.

But please vote if you like the chapter and please comment to tell me what you think!


- Bianca



Time passed. All of a sudden, the whole school was aware of the fact that Tom and I were dating, but neither of us minded all that much. After all, we had been getting a lot of attention ever since we got Parkinson expelled.

I knew I had to ensure Tom wouldn’t kill Harry before the summer holidays, because I would have nowhere to go to.

So, one Saturday early in May, Tom and I were sitting by the lake when I brought up the topic.

“You know how I said that Voldemort killed my best friend?” I began.

Tom looked uncomfortable. “Yes, but can we please not go over this again? I’ve already told you, I have no intention of becoming an evil, murdering lunatic!”

“I know, Tom, but your intentions might change. I just want to be sure that when I’m gone –”

He sat up quickly. “When you’re gone? When are you leaving? I mean, I know that you’ll have to go back to your home in the future sometime, but you haven’t brought this up before…”

I sighed. “I have to go back soon. Sorry. I don’t really want to go back…” Th vision of Harry’s dead body was etched upon my brain. “It’s horrible back home. So many are dead…but we have the power to change all that. All you have to do is make me one promise.”

He looked torn. “Oh – fine. What do I have to promise you?”

I took a deep breath. “Promise me that you will never kill Harry Potter.”

Tom hesitated. “I – I promise.”

I breathed a sigh of relief.

Now for the Vow.

“Thankyou, Tom. But…can you – can you make the Unbreakable Vow?” I requested. He frowned. “Please, Tom. For me.”

“Will something bad happen to you if I do?” he demanded quickly.

I paused. Going home wasn’t bad…not really. I felt still guilty about it, but I promised anyway. “Nothing bad will happen to me. I will be fine.”

He nodded. “Alright, then. We will need a third person.”

“How about Narcissa?” I suggested. “Narcissa Nott?”

He agreed, so we walked back to the Slytherin Common Room.

Narcissa was sitting there, twirling her blond hair around her wand. “Excuse me, Narcissa?” I asked.

She looked up.“Yes?”

“Could you come with us, please? Tom and I need you to do us a favour,” I told her.

She nodded and stood up, putting her wand down.

“Oh, and you’ll need your wand,” I added. Frowning, she picked it up and followed us down to the lake.

“Okay. We’re making an Unbreakable Vow. All you need to do is put your wand on our joined hands.” I told her the spell for the Vow and she repeated it.

I put my left hand out and held Tom’s left hand.

“Goodbye, Tom Riddle,” I said, my voice shaky. “See you on the other side.”

He nodded, looking nervous. “Goodbye, Hermione Argentum.”

He didn’t know the extent of the farewell.

Narcissa put her wand on our joined hands and said the spell.

Ropes of golden light bound our hands.

“Do you, Tom Riddle, promise never to kill Harry Potter?” I asked shakily.

Narcissa raised her eyebrows at the nature of the vow, but said nothing.

“I promise never to kill Harry Potter.”

The ropes glowed brighter and then disappeared.

This was it. I was going home, after 7 months here. The Time-Turner that I’d had around my neck all this time turned over and sand began to flow into the bottom.

I estimated that I had about 15 seconds before I left.

“Sorry, Tom,” I apologised. “I have nothing I can say.”

He frowned, but before he could actually say anything, I ran forward and flung my arms around him.

I leant into him, and, just for a second, our lips touched, before I was whisked away into the endless darkness.

And the last thing I saw from that world was Tom’s shocked face.

I fell out of the darkness, sprawled on the Headmaster’s office floor.

I was home.

Home at last.

But as I stood up and looked out the window, I saw the Battle of Hogwarts, just as it had been before.

Nothing had changed.

I had failed.

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