Chapter 7

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Another Hermione chapter…they’re easier to write.

Hope you like it, it’s quite short, sorry.

By the way, there are 9 chapters + Epilogue, so I’m not too far from finishing…

It doesn’t exactly have a happy ending :(

But happy endings don’t work for me when it comes to Tomione.

And please tell me what you think of my simile (Tom looked at me as if I had just declared that Hogwarts was a pineapple)!

Please vote and comment!

Oh, and be warned: I’m extremely bad at writing kissing scenes.


It was Christmas Day.

Naturally, I had stayed at Hogwarts for the holidays, as had Tom.

There was mistletoe hung all over the place, which both Tom and I avoided.

I wasn’t exactly eager to kiss some random guy.

I decided that I would like to go sit by the lake, because I needed some fresh air.

Tom came with me.

There were several pairs of people making out – under mistletoe and not under mistletoe.

We walked past them.

I sat down by the lake, with Tom next to me.

“What’s it like at Beauxbatons?” Tom asked me suddenly.

I had been hoping no-one would ask me that.

“Well…” I began, searching for an answer, “it’s hard to describe. It’s pretty, I guess. Umm…well, there is snow, like here…”

I realised how pathetic my description would sound to Tom.

When I glanced at him, he seemed to be laughing.

“What?” I asked, frowning.

“I was wondering how good your cover story would be. Well, I must admit, I hoped for better.”

He knew?

“Wh-what?” I stuttered.

He smirked. “I know, Hermione. I know where you’re from. You’re from the future, and you went to Hogwarts where you’re from. And you come from a time where Voldemort has gained a lot of power. And he killed your best friend, whoever that is.”

My mouth fell open. “How – when –”

“That night I told you I killed someone. It just…sort of came to me, and I knew it was right,” he told me, turning to staring out across the lake.

Inside me, all my hopes of me having Tom’s trust came crashing down.

“I suppose you don’t want to be friends with someone who knows your future and won’t tell you,” I sighed.

Tom looked at me as if I had just declared that Hogwarts was a pineapple.

“Of course not! That’s ridiculous! I don’t even want that future anyway!” he exclaimed.

I smiled, then got to my feet.


Things would be awkward between us now that Tom knew that I was from the future he didn’t want.

Tom stood up too and came over to me. “Do you want to go back to the Common Room now?”

I shrugged, then a flash of green above me caught my eye.

Slowly, I looked upwards. Tom followed my eye.

There was a mistletoe plant growing above our heads.

I groaned inwardly.

Tom grinned. “It’s tradition, Hermione. There’s nothing you can do.”

And without further ado, Tom kissed me.

I could feel him smiling against my mouth as I kissed him back.

Finally, we broke apart and stepped away from the mistletoe.

He was still smiling as he commented, “Shame that was a forced kiss.”

“W-what do you mean?” I stammered, though I knew exactly what he meant.

“I meant, I would have preferred it not to have been under mistletoe.”

I grinned. “Fair enough.”

We talked for a while longer, and there was no awkwardness between us at all.


I lay awake in bed, trying to think of a way to get Tom to promise not to kill Harry.

All I’d come up with so far was the Unbreakable Vow.

I suspected that it was in fact the only way.

But I wasn’t going to bring up the topic yet – I knew it was selfish, but I wanted to spend more time with Tom before I went home. 

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