Chapter 1

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The picture is Hermione.



Voldemort pointed to the body in Hagrid's arms.

"Harry Potter is dead!" he proclaimed gleefully. He kept talking, but I couldn't hear him with grief.

"Come on, Harry. You're not dead...are you?" I whispered. But Voldemort kept speaking, and it was evident Harry wasn't getting up.

"No! HARRY!" I screamed.

He couldn't be dead, he just couldn't.

"NO!" Ginny shrieked. She tried to run forward, but I grabbed her and held her back.

"Don't just let yourself die because he's gone," I muttered, and she nodded and stepped back.

I didn't think I could take it. I started sobbing helplessly. Ron stepped forward and closed his hand over mine.

"It'll be alright, come on Her-"

"No! It won't be alright!" I yelled, and shaking his hand from mine I ran into the castle.

There was someone I needed to see - my last hope.

When I reached the stairs to the Headmaster's office, I yelled 'Dumbledore' and went up the stairs.

"Dumbledore! Dumbledore, please! You have to help me! Harry's dead, and there's nothing we can do!"

Professor Dumbledore's sleeping portrait jerked awake with a start. "Are you absolutely certain? In the In-Between world, he made the decision to live, but there did seem to be something slightly off when he left - perhaps you are right. If that is so, Hogwarts and the whole wizarding world have no chance. But I do pride myself on planning ahead, and I prepared a way for you, Hermione, to save Harry."

Then somehow, his portrait swung forward and revealed a small hourglass with a silver chain attached.

"My Time-Turner?" I asked incredulously. He nodded.

"I kept it, for it was influential to my plan."

 I tried to work out what it was for, and then I realised.

"You want me to go back in time...and stop Voldemort killing Harry?"

"Yes," came the reply, "but you will know him as Tom Riddle. Now, you will pretend to be a transfer from Beauxbatons, Hermione. You may choose the surname. But you must pretend to be a half-blood. Anyway, 10 turns should do it - it has been fixed to take you back to when Tom was 16, soon after Hagrid was expelled. You must also pretend to be 16, so you can have classes together. One last thing before you go - you will return here when your mission is complete. Good luck!"

I put the Time-Turner around my neck.

"Goodbye, Professor," I muttered. "One...two..." I counted. "Three...four..."

I was really about to do this. "Five...six..."

The world began spinning. "Seven...eight..."

I fell to the ground. "Nine...ten."

And with that, I disappeared.

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