Chapter 3

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So, I’m trying to stick to my vow that I’ll finish this and the Extras chapter of TFH before Black’s Return, so PLEASE don’t argue.



I had finally become accustomed to sitting next to Riddle in all my classes and having to have barriers in my mind all the time.

But there was no way I had gotten anywhere near having his trust.


A Slytherin 2nd-year ran up to me shyly. “Are you Tom Riddle?”

“Yes,” I replied.

“Professor Dippet wants to see you and Narcissa Nott in the Great Hall in five minutes.”

I nodded to the child, dismissing her.

I wondered what Professor Dippet would want with us Prefects.

I passed the message on to Narcissa and we left to go to the Great Hall.

Hermione glanced up at me suspiciously as I left the room.

When we reached the Great Hall, the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff Prefects were already there, but not the Gryffindor Prefects.

Dippet smiled widely at me as I entered. “Ah, Tom! Welcome! We’re just waiting on the Gryffindor Prefects!”

Right on cue, the two Gryffindor Prefects entered. Charlus Potter and I exchanged a glare – we hated each other. He was a pure-blood, but by being in Gryffindor and therefore associating with Mudbloods, he was a blood traitor.

Professor Dippet smiled at our group of eight. “Now, as I am sure you all know, the Hallowe’en Ball is fast approaching. This is primarily a dance. As the Prefects, it is compulsory for you to have partners. You will be the first to dance, and will lead others onto the floor. Since it is only early October, you have just under a month to find your partners. However, I would prefer you to have partners by the 20th of October, so that you have plenty of time spare. You may go to your first class now, you are dismissed.”

I sighed. I was not the least bit interested in taking anyone to dance.

Narcissa came over to me and walked along next to me. “Who do you think you’re taking?” she asked me.

“I have no idea,” I replied honestly. “How about you?”

She blushed. “Abraxas, of course, if he asks me. But aren’t you taking Rosa?”

Of course! How could I have forgotten that Narcissa was dating Abraxas Malfoy, one of my followers?

I winced at Rosa’s name. Rosa was actually extremely annoying. She would spend the whole night flirting with me, and I was not looking forward to that.

“Oh, I don’t know,” I said carelessly.

When we entered the Transfiguration classroom, Professor Dumbledore looked up at us and raised his eyebrows. “Miss Nott, Mr Riddle.”

I nodded. “Please excuse us, Professor Dumbledore, we Prefects had a meeting to attend.”

Dumbledore frowned, then motioned for Narcissa to go and sit next to Abraxas and for me to sit next to Hermione Argentum.


I sat down next to her and took my textbook from my bag.

“Where were you, Riddle?” she asked me, the moment I had found the page I was meant to be reading.

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