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The first chapter is very short as it has been used as an introduction.


"Oh no no no ! SUCKSS! I cannot be late to Mariposa's wedding." The blonde girl shook her head as she was starting to panick. She was now stuck in the traffic jam just behind a yellow car who, was patiently waiting for the traffic light to go green. She huffed in annoyance while her perfect manicured nails were nervously tapping against the Mercedes steering wheel. As soon as the light turned to green she accelerated, Rowena had been driving through all traffic red lights .She was absolutely driving like a mad woman or more like someone who did not care about their life. The woman was sure she would have to pay a fine for speed limit but that did not matter for now, she urgently had to reach the church as soon as possible. Well,at least before the wedding vows are pronounced as she was already about fifteen minutes late or was it more? She hoped not. Two more turns only and she would reach the church found in this area of Texas.

"Please, pleaaase no." Whispered the blonde girl in horror.

" THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING. NOT NOW JESUS." She was screaming at the fuel meter whose needle was showing that there was no petrol left. 

The car halted and Rowena did what she thought would be the next reasonable thing. She started to run not bothering about the weird looks passers by were throwing at her. 

Rowena was supposed to be one of the bridesmaids to Mariposa's wedding. She had wanted to fly early so as to be able to help in the wedding preparations, the bachelorette party and dress fitting but unfortunately her flower business in Paris were going under several complications right now which did not allow her to do so. Maybe things would have been different if Mariposa had actually planned her wedding months before but unfortunately the poor bride's boyfriend's family wanted them to get married as soon as possible. For the simple reason that Mrs Fruitier, the groom's grandmother wanted to see her grandson's wedding before dying. The old woman had cancer and her days were counted. Being an understanding human being Mariposa made no arguments and supported her decision. Rowena was dumfounded, her friend was only twenty two like her. 'Who would want to marry that young?' she pondered. She had not seen her childhood friend which was also her neighbor for three whole years. They tried to maintain contact but their busy lives eventually took over their time. The last time she had her neighbor over the phone was when Mariposa called to invite her to her wedding. Well it was more like 'You have to come to my wedding even if you need to sell your kidney to attend it.' Then she gushed about how perfect her future husband was and how in love she was. She also mentioned that she hated Ebby's mother for some reason Rowena didn't get to catch as she was handling some paper works. The phone call did not last long as she still had work to attend.

Rowena was profusely sweating and her legs were starting to slow her down. She had a very low metabolism, the last time she had ran like this was when she was in highschool but still not giving up,Rowena kept her focus and took very deep breaths. As soon as the church came in view she put in more strength and finally  bolted inside the church. She was relieved to have arrived just in time.

"Mariposa Telma Delange, do you take Alessandro Esteban Fruitier to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold him in sickness and health, to love and honor, for richer or poorer as long as you both shall live." 

"Yes. "


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13/05/20 -started writing.
13/06/20 - hopefully the ending.

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