Getting Bailed Out (Invincible era)

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Imagine Michael being in jail during the year 1993 because these group of haters believed that Michael was a pedophile.

Michael pleaded innocent on all false charges, but the court falsely ruled him guilty.

Now, poor Michael was in a cold jail cell, thinking that everyone he knew had betrayed him, even his own family.

But hope was not lost for the king of pop.

I was going to bail him out myself for I never believed in the tabloids and stupid lies.

Michael had cried himself to sleep for he was exhausted.

I had already disabled the alarm and all the security cameras.

The guards had been tranquilized temporarily and I also had given them a pill to make them forget everything that had happened.

I tiptoed towards the cell and found the tear stained face of Michael Jackson.

He was sound asleep and he looked a little bit skinner than what his normal body weight should be.

I carefully leaned forward and then picked him up in his arms.

"Everything is going to be okay".

I whispered in his ear as I carried him out of the prison.

His sister Janet and his older brother Randy were waiting for me in the limo.

"We really thank you for your kindness and bravery".

Janet gave me tearful smile.

"You can date Michael if you want. Mom said that it's okay".

Randy smiled and he hugged me as a way to thank me for rescuing Michael out of the terrible jail cell.

Early the next morning, Michael woke up to find that he was wearing his favorite red pajamas.

I was fast asleep next to him with my arms wrapped around him.

He was back in his own home at Neverland.

"W-what happened"?

He stuttered, and then I heard him whimpering.

"Michael, I got you out of that nasty prison. You didn't deserve to be in jail because me and your family know that you are innocent. When I saw on TV that you had been falsely arrested, I couldn't bare to think about what would've happened to you while you were being forced into that cold cell. So, after that happened, I contacted your employees and I told them that you didn't deserve to be in jail, and that I would be the one to get you outta jail myself. Randy, Janet, and I snuck to the prison and I bailed you out without the guards or cops knowing it".

By the time I was done explaining everything to him, Michael was crying happy tears.

"Oh my god, this is the nicest thing that's ever happened to me. I almost lost hope that someone who was so sweet and kind would come to my rescue. I am so happy that you still believe in me and what I do to make people happy".

He pulled me closer to him and then we found ourselves making out on the bed for the very first time ever.

After a few minutes, we broke apart for air.

I lovingly stroked Michael's cheek as he yawned and laid his head back down on the soft and fluffy pillow.

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