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I went to the lab for my annual exam, that morning everything seemed perfectly normal. After a few minutes of waiting in the waiting room, the nurse showed me to Doctor López's office.

There he was. That doctor was quite a character, he always frowned even though he was in a good mood. He looked at me with a cold, penetrating gaze and said:

- Take off your shirt! We are going to take a little blood to check that everything is fine. Ah, but before that, let me tell you that according to your record, this is the right time to give you the flu shot.

- But, Doctor !, We are in August, don't you think it's a bit hasty? - I replied surprised.

- None of that, on the contrary, if we inoculate it at once we will be making sure that no virus attacks it. - The doctor answered.

I was very restless, there was something I didn't like, only unfortunately I didn't know what it was. The nurse arrived with a larger-than-usual syringe, which contained a strange orange liquid inside.

- Hey Doc, that's not the influenza vaccine - I asserted.

- It is a new formula that will protect you for more than two years, from any type of influenza (common, H1N1 etc.) as well as many other diseases. Also, since this treatment is in the trial phase, it is free. However, I assure you that we are offering you the latest on the market.

I practically reluctantly agreed to the injection. I started to feel dizzy and nauseous right after I left the office. Soon after I got home, I felt exhausted. I leaned back in an armchair and fell asleep until the phone woke me up. It was Sonia, my girlfriend, who reminded me that we had agreed to go out to dinner that night. I told her that I was feeling unwell and she started to get angry because almost every time we made plans, I was the one who canceled them at the last minute. Therefore, she did not accept a no for an answer and I was to pick her up at her home at 9:00 p.m.

Miraculously by that time, I was already feeling much better. The pains and other symptoms had disappeared. The full moon lit up the city like a huge beacon. When I got home, Sonia was already on the sidewalk waiting, she got in the car and we kissed. At that moment, a violent force ran through my body, my voice began to change and my arms and my face began to cover with hair. I was terrified, since I saw in the mirror the changes that my organism was experiencing before the astonished gaze of my beloved. For her part, she was frozen.

Suddenly I began to howl and my hands (now claws) were filled with blood. I felt such despair that I lost consciousness. When I woke up something horrifying had happened, the only trace left of Sonia was her head resting on my right leg...

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