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The town where I live is one of those places where you find more churches than locals. As expected, all of us who live there day after day know each other perfectly. The baker, butcher, fishmonger, blacksmith, gravedigger etc. Something that characterizes our community is the fact that we don't accept strangers very easily. And that was what happened with Father Villaseñor, who came to our town after the death of the dearest little father Godínez.

Villaseñor was sent directly from the capital and brought with him those "airs of greatness" that annoy everyone. In fact, from the first time he officiated a mass, people looked at him with very bad eyes because he commented:

- I see that the Lord has forgotten this place, not only because they are a completely lost flock, but because of how poorly educated they are. Fortunately, here I am, to restore the faith and good customs that every Christian must process.

At the conclusion of the ceremony, Lencho, the foreman of the Don Gabino estate, approached and warned the priest:

- Look, Band-aid, be careful. Since Father Godínez died, they say that every night in this church the devil appears.

To which Villaseñor responded with a loud laugh:

- Hahaha, you ignorant ball, you tell me that only in order to scare me. Do you think that with a horror story like that, I'm going to die of fear?

- No, but for the record. I just warn you not to be tempting luck.

Several months passed and fewer and fewer people attended that church. One rainy night, when Villaseñor was going to his room, he began to hear a series of strange sounds, which came from the pulpit. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't figure out what those voices were saying. As they approached the place, all the lit candles were suddenly blown out due to a strong draft that came from nowhere. Subsequently, a humanoid figure with pointed ears began to emerge from the shadows.

By now, the cleric was kneeling, praying earnestly. What he did not know is that nothing he did could save him from the dire outcome that awaited him.

At exactly three in the morning on that October 3, the bells began to double. Just as it does when someone dies. One by one the parishioners entered the compound, only to realize that the lifeless body of Father Villaseñor was hanging from one of the ropes of the bell tower...

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