So like since the whole Becky is pregnant thing I'm gonna respect that because line who wouldnt if you dont accept the fact the we might have a mini Becky or Seth (still dont like him that much) I'll fucking stab you. But anyway back on track, I'll put Charlotte and Becky together sometime, but I'm not gonna write smut about them because I wanna respect that part if you get what I mean. Anyway here we go 😎

3:10 AM

Cedes: I'm going to San Jose.

Pam: WHAT?!

Cedes: Yeah, turns out I have family there and we are going to visit for a few months in the summer.

Pam: Dear jesus.

Cedes: Cant wait to meet you.
SEEN 3:30

3 Musketeers 😎

Hugger: HANG ME.

LassKicker: Why?

Queenie: did you get nudes?

Hugger: Ew no, maam I have a boyfriend


Yea we know.



Queenie: I thought you deleted that?

LassKicker: Yea gotta dip mum needs me

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