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My heart fluttered at Becky's last text and I got my phone out texting her.

Char: I like you Rebecca.

She read it and I quickly put my phone away before waking Pam up. She stirred and her eyes opened. "Hey c'mon Mercedes wants to see us." She gave me a look and I sighed. "Please?" She let out a deep sigh and got up


Mercedes looked at me before hugging me tightly. I hesitantly hugged back and she cried in my shoulder. "I'm sorry Pam. Please forg-" I kissed her. Her hands slightly went up and she put her hands on my chest before kissing back slowly and Charlotte cleared her throat and I blushed pulling away and Mercedes bit down on my lip while I pulled away. I looked at her and smiled, "I love you Mercedes. Hell Mercedes Justine Varnado I'm in love with you."

The Day I Texted You {Baysha}Where stories live. Discover now