481 20 5

9:43 PM

Char: Hey Pam, I hope you're okay and your open to stay at my house so come over if needed

Pam: Ok, I'm omw now


I held Pamela's arms and ran my hands through her hair and sighed as her phone beeped, I picked it up

Cedes: Pam
Cedes: Please fucking answer me
Cedes: I'm in love with you okay? I was scared to tell you because I wasnt sure if you liked me

Pam: Fuck off Mercedes.

Cedes: Pam

Pam: Shes asleep.

Cedes: please tell her okay?

Pam: Why should I

Cedes: Because your a better friend than I was. And I get it if you dont, she deserves better.

3 Musketeers: LassKicker left the groupchat
Bexs sent you a message.

Bexs: I'm sorry
Bexs: I was trying to get over Char and I'm scared that she doesnt like me back so I went to Mercedes. I know it not a good explanation but she really likes you okay? I love you Pam. Or Char whoever's reading this. And if it is Char I'm sorry I messed up.

The Day I Texted You {Baysha}Where stories live. Discover now