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I waited at the coffee shop impatiently wanting the blue haired goddess to walk through the doors already. It was 12:06 and she was 6 minutes late. I heard the door open and I looked up. She was wearing a t-shirt and Jean's with her hair up in a bun. Her eyes skimmed the coffee shop until her eyes landed on me. "Pam!" She yelled and ran over to me putting me in a hug.

I immediately hugged back. I took in her scent and she smelt like lavender. She was a tad bit shorter than me but I didnt mind. Her hands rubbed my back and her heartbeat was fast. "Mercedes.." I whispered holding onto her almost crying.

She slowly pulled away from the hug before giving me a smile, it was gorgeous. She cupped my face wiping my tears. "Dont cry baby" She whispered.

The Day I Texted You {Baysha}Where stories live. Discover now