I honked the horn and Mercedes walked out in Jean's and a crop top. Her blue hair was in a bun and her caramel skin color reflected the moon perfectly. She got in the car and looked at me. "Hey gorgeous" she said with a slight smile.

I felt my cheeks heat up and she slipped her hand in mine. I smiled "Hey Lass" Her eyes widened.

"Sorry I keep forgetting you have an accent" She said and squeezed my hand. "Now where are we going*


My clothes were soaked along with Mercedes. She had her arms around my neck and we were just staring at each other. Soon, we both were leaning in and our lips connected. She put me against the door and depened the kiss.

"What the hell Mercedes?!" A familiar voice said. We both jumped and turned around. It was Charlotte and Pamela, who had tears running down her face and she ran off. Charlotte came up to us and she looked down at Mercedes. "She fucking liked you. And you pull this shit. She had a whole ass date planned out for you." She turned to me. "And you. Right after you tell me you like me? Yknow Pam deserves better than Mercedes."

Mercedes got in Charlottez face and Charlotte shoved her into the water. "Why dont you get in Pamela's pants then?!" Mercedes yelled at her. Charlotte looked down at her and bent down.

"At least I'd treat her like the fucking princess she is." Charlotte shoved her into the wall again and walked off.

The Day I Texted You {Baysha}Where stories live. Discover now