5:36 AM

Fergal 🥰: Good morning baby I know you're at practice but I'll see you soon luv.

         Pam😍: Cant wait to see you baby
SEEN 5:50


I tapped my foot as I waited for Fergal in the lunchroom, it was nearing first class and he hasnt come to see me. Once I hear an Irish voice I turn around only to see honestly, my favorite Irish person. It would be Fergal if he would start hanging out with me again, hes been being distant and whenever he was around Charlotte and Becky would give him this look.

"Becks! Wheres Fergal? Did he come to school with you?" I say happily trying to keep my excitement under control. Becky gave this look of sadness.

"Did he still not tell you Pam?" Becky gave a sad smile and I shook my head no and she sighed. "Hes going back to Ireland today." I froze. He didnt tell me but he told my two bestfriends. I felt the tears in my eyes well up and I ran my hand through my hair before shaking my head. I left the cafeteria and put my hood over my head and sat in class before getting out my phone.

Cedes sent you a message
Missed call from Fergal 🥰

Cedes: Hey Pam I hope you have a great day today and if you dont I'm sorry bb. Just a few more months and I can see you and give you a hug. Tell fergal I say Hey along with the girls.

Pam: Yeah I will. But cant tell Fergal.

Cedes: oh :( Why?

Pam: Went back to Ireland without telling me

The Day I Texted You {Baysha}Where stories live. Discover now