8. Shaun

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Four couldn't come soon enough and Shaun was gettin far too impatient in his room. After he'd arranged the meeting with Selena, he'd headed off straight to Alex's room. 

Surprisingly, and thankfully, he was alone. He'd told Alex all what Selena told him, leaving out the part where they were going to look for more files, because he was still upset about the turn of events regarding his best friend and the new girl. 

It was childish, but he didn't want Alex to know.

After he'd finished the story, Alex had asked him, "Did you tell Miss Karr about that?"

"Selena did, but she just flat out refused the entire thing and said the Bots don't exist anymore."

"Well, there you have it. If Miss Karr doesn't believe it, then why should we. I mean, you said it yourself those files are super old. Why waste our time going after something we're not even sure of?" Alex had asked.

Somehow, he didn't seem to buy the whole thing and told Shaun to let the theory go. "Besides, let's not think about the past and think about how we're gonna catch this guy. For all we know, another story could get destroyed," Alex had said.

"You're right. So, anyway, how did the date go?" Shaun had asked, already dreading the answer.

"We didn't get to go. She said she wasn't feeling well. But I'm taking her out in the evening, "Alex had replied. He'd paused and said, "You don't mind right, Shaunie? I mean, I figured, you know after Angie and everything,.." 

"There is nothing between me and Angie. I walked her back to her room, and I was about to leave, when she completely caught me off guard by kissing me. I told her then and there, that I wasn't interested," Shaun had replied flatly. He'd heard the rumors that were going on about him and Angie, but hadn't bothered to give them his time.

Alex had opened his mouth to say something when Shaun had cut him off. "Look, I'm really tired. I think I'll just head to bed. Been having two rough nights in a row. You have fun on your date."

And with that, he'd simply left and headed back to his own room where he was waiting--none too patiently--for the time to pass by.

He checked his watch. It read three-twenty five. He couldn't stand the watitng anymore. So, he thought he'd head to the Storage facility and wait till Selena showed up.

He headed out of the HQ, and walked solemnly to his destination, his mind swarming with thoughts. He passed by the Dorm, and almost collided with someone.

Melina. Of course. 

"Hi Shaun," she said when he mumbled out an apology. She was looking stunning as usal, her dark hair falling in waves, framing her smiling face. 

Smiling. This girl was actually smiling. He thought back to the moody girl he'd met two days back and made a comparison. Where she was closed off and guarde back then, was now all happy and wanting to talk.

"Look at that. You're actually smiling, " he said, smiling back at her.

"Yeah, well sorry if I seemed like a monster before but I was not used to any of this," she said, gesturing to around her.

"And now you are?"

"Well, I'm getting there," she said, grinning. "Hey have you seen Alex? I wanted to talk to him?" she asked, and just like that his mood dropped.

"Um no, but he'll be up in his room, I think. But you can't go there," he said quickly.

"Yeah, I know. Bummer." She sounded a little disappointed. "So, where are you headed off to?"

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