2. Shaun

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The device in his pocket beeped twice before he picked it up to inspect the new notifications he'd gotten in just two hours since he'd posted his new story.

Three new votes for your story titled, 'Nemesis'.

He smiled at that. It always made him happy to know that there were people who enjoyed his story.

Putting away the orange device back, he resumed back to just surveying, making sure that the people at the party don't do anything stupid.

Ever so often, his eyes would flicker to the door that led to the ladies' bathroom, the one the girl had gone into ten minutes ago.

There was something unusual about that girl; he just couldn't figure out what.

"Shaun!" came a voice from behind him, and he forced himself out of his thoughts to greet the person to whom the voice belonged to.

Angelina jogged over to him and placed both hands around his neck, leaning to give a small peck on his cheeks. He smiled down at her, not wanting to seem rude and gently removed her hands from around him.

She frowned at that but it soon disappeared as a song played in the background. Her face lit up and he guessed it was her favorite song.

"Hi Angie," he said. Involuntarily, his head turned towards the bathroom doors yet again and he had to mentally snap himself back to Angie.

"Say, who was that girl who was talking to you just now?" he asked.

Her eyebrows knit in concentration as she tried to remember the girl in question before asking, "The one with the cool hair?"

He nodded.

She shrugged her slender shoulders and said, "No clue. Another fan, I guess. She was pretty sweet."

They don't say a word and he continued to watch the party.

The large, orange dancefloor was flooded with people of all shapes and sizes. The Cafe was pretty huge and that night, the black walls that were usually barren was now filled with lights and decorations. Towards the center of the room was hanging a huge banner that ran till the floor bearing the familiar 'W' that was oh so unique to Wattpad.

The bar table was filled with people, ordering their favorite non- alcoholic drinks. Wattpad never served alcohol ; a writer never fared well with them.

Everything was quite normal.

Angie tugged his sleeve and he looked down to find a very happy and smiling girl.

"Dance with me?" she asked him hopefully. His heart filled with guilt as he looked down at the girl who probably was crushing on him since forever. It was sad he didn't reciprocate her feelings.

He smiled down at her gently and said, " I have work to do, Angie. Maybe another time."

She pouted and said, "You never liked me, did you? Fine, I'm going back to my dorm. Good night, Shaun."

With that, she strutted her way towards the exit of the Cafe.

He turned just as a couple of teenagers puked on the carpet nearby. Even though Wattpad never provided alcohol, kids always managed to sneak some in.


It was a quarter past midnight and everybody was retiring back to their dorms. Shaun wan doing the routine checkup to see if anyone was passed out under a table.

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